Chin pad comparison FOR STOCK POLES!!!!!


lone wolf
i guess sometimes whether a part fits or not is a matter of opinion.i ran into this with a crank one time :rolleyes:

Grand Rapids, MI
Mad Mat from John Dady said:
Our composite chin pad has been one of the most popular items we have evolved and sold since its introduction in 1995 for the 94-95 Yamaha Fx1- there is nothing else on the market that even compares to fit and quality

It doesn't sound like it.


Creative RE Purchasing
I have the blowsion chinpad and I really like it. Mine fit on my stock pole like a glove, no wrestling or anything. I think it looks way better than the WD pad too. Every body has their opinions. Have you weighed each pad? Looks to me like the blowsion pad weighs less, I don't know.
I personally think the blowsion cover looks cheesy, kinda like curb feelers on an old dart with a fuzzy dash. Jeff's looks awesome, and the few things I have bought from him work great. Bad news is Jeff is still Jeff, and it's a hit or miss if your going to get your stuff, I still have a hull extension on order for the last two years, finally gave up. Definately don't pay until you recieve your stuff from him, I hate cod's, but...I know, he's a changed man, that's what people said two years ago also. I would still buy that chinpad though, looks sweet to me.
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