choice of 2 couches

The Penguin

triple secret probation
I've got a bud that owns a 2002 Yamaha GP1200R Millenium Edition

he asked me if it would be worth it to sell it and buy a 2006 Sea Doo RXP with less than 10 hours on it.

asking price on the Doo is $4400 - he says the Doo has 155HP if that helps further identify it.

what say ye?


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at peace
The RXP should have 215HP (supercharger, intercooled). The 155HP motor is essentially the same, sans the supercharger and intercooler. Seadoo also made one with just a supercharger @ 185HP I believe.

Anyways, it's not a bad price for an RXP. If the supercharger washers have been changed to metal, it should last a long time.
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The Penguin

triple secret probation
the advertisement that he forwarded me says "155mph" - so i know that's not right...

and it's a 2007, not an '06 - according to Nada guides, SD made a 155hp RXP and a 215hp RXP

so - let's assume the 155 is correct.


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
Okay, that makes more sense. The later model years did offer those engines.
Still a pretty decent deal.

The Penguin

triple secret probation
see above for correction - 155hp 2007 RXP.

I don't think it's a matter of whether it's a good price or not - which is the "better" ski? he mainly uses is cruising up and down the river.

I think he's assuming the SD will be faster.


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
It won't have a significant enough speed difference (if at all) to justify the hassle of selling/buying.
The 1200R might even be faster. :lmao:

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Are you asking which is faster or which will blow up faster, The RXP's had supercharger issues the Yamaha's had power valve issues, both usually mean a trip into a damn expensive engine, truefully its pretty much a toss up on those two machines.
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Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
another thing to think about is over a GH the serious top speed guys put the higher output rxp motor in the gpr hull. the gpr hull is supposed to handle better and achive higher speeds.
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Are you asking which is faster or which will blow up faster, The RXP's had supercharger issues the Yamaha's had power valve issues, both usually mean a trip into a damn expensive engine, truefully its pretty much a toss up on those two machines.

to go along with the above... I don't know much about the Yamaha but on the Seadoo side of the equation.

The speed should be comparable the Yamaha might even be faster like said above... For me Seadoo's especially the newer 4 stroke 4-Tec engines have been extremely reliable machines if proper care and routine maintenance is completed. (i.e. oil changes, winterization, spark plugs, etc) even the supercharged ones are reliable once they are updated (From 2003-2006 they came with ceramic supercharger clutch washers that would break around 70 hrs of use or less... sometimes alot less so the they need to be upgraded to heavy duty steel washers) In 2007 Rotax updated the supercharger and it now comes factory with steel washers...

The supercharger is not an issue on a 07 Seadoo RXP 155 b/c the engine is naturally aspirated (no supercharger)... The 155 Rotax 4-Tec is the same engine as the 215 minus the supercharger and intercooler that was made available in all the lower end models when they eliminated their 2-stroke engines completely...

To make the poor folk that could not afford the 215 but still wanted to have the RXP name happy they stripped it down and called it the RXP 155...

Model Info: Spec Sheet.pdf

I think the Rotax (Seadoo) is easier engine to work on b/c it is all over head valve and a much more basic design IMHO...
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V watch your daughters V
Waterford, MI
The 155hp motor is very reliable, and will cost him less in gas and oil compared to his GPR. It's 5 years newer, too. Not a bad deal, if he doesn't care that it's slower and doesn't handle as nice.
If it were me, and I love yamaha, Id go with the RXP. There may not be a speed difference, but the RXP has quick response making it feel more agile. plus the RXP is just a gorgeous couch


WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
If it is indeed a 155 hp model there are no supercharger washers or supercharger, the 155 hp 4tec is pretty solid, kinda like a rock.
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