Christmas come early!!

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
I believe they call it false economy,like driving across town to save $1.00 on a carton of milk.You think you are saving money but you really aren't.


Always On
If you can wait 2 weeks I'm going to turf my FX1 rails and I'll post the pics and step bt step for ya? Then you can use the search to find that post.

Fro Diesel

creative control
I believe in the buddy system for workin on jet skis. YOu shouldn't be allowed to f-it all up your self.

Dirk---that is quite a few posts (++++20+++) per day.

experience is the greatest prepared to spend more on your ski than house/car/woman combined.:smashfreakB::439::439::439:

Fro Diesel

creative control
I almost got Erik (Rahl) convinced to hit the lake SOMEWHERE this week. I wanna get my ski in the water before I drag it to FL.

Well then seriously:stups: hit me up:269-806-3280. I just put the ski n the garage and it will be ready after tomorrow.

Wolf Child

Just Another Octard
All over C. FL
Well then seriously:stups: hit me up:269-806-3280. I just put the ski n the garage and it will be ready after tomorrow.
he said Gun is open. so we may do that one.

I was surprised Green was still ice. the lake is as shallow as gun is and much smaller.. all the lakes ( man made) around my house are open


makin' legs
so.....your saying I got ripped off by

Not ripped of at all. I'm sure it's a well made switch. I would seriously think about what you'll say in court when you have a runaway boat that kills a couple of children. I also have seen Yamaha switches fail and I believe the Kawasaki is a better solution than JSS. The failure rate on Kawi switches is much lower. If you ride well enough to NEED to run w/o a lanyard, then wrap it on the bars for those tricks. Does JSS still claim that you have to sign a liability waiver to purchase that switch? Several people have mentioned following the advice here. There is some good info to be found here, but there is also a LOT of often repeated rubbish. Just because something is accepted doesn't necessarily make it the correct way to do it. A lot of the guys with the REALLY strong boats almost never get involved with the more technical discussions. The ironic thing is that some of the people with the most input are the very same guys who ALWAYS have problems keeping their own stuff running. The hard part is sitting back long enough to figure out who knows what they're talking about and who just likes to have something to say in every thread......:deal:


Vendor Account
I never use the lanyard, just try to hold on and ride out all my falls the best I can! I was suppose to sign a waiver when buying the switch but never did?

Are Kawasaki switchs stronger than Jetski soulutions switch??

I assumed the JSS was the most reliable one out there??

Is there a way to make a yamaha superjet circle around when you fall??


makin' legs
I never use the lanyard, just try to hold on and ride out all my falls the best I can! I was suppose to sign a waiver when buying the switch but never did?

Are Kawasaki switchs stronger than Jetski soulutions switch??

I assumed the JSS was the most reliable one out there??

Is there a way to make a yamaha superjet circle around when you fall??

Superjets will circle when you fall off unless the steering is tight/obstructed and sometimes if the idle is very low. The problem with low idle or hold on methods is that they don't take into account what can happen if the throttle sticks for some reason. Do a search here. There have been several runaway boat stories in the last year or so. It's only a matter of time before we hear about a real tragedy because of it. Don't want it to be me. Enough people on the water hate us already w/o doing something stupid that is so easily avoidable. I realize there are legitimate reasons to occasionally run w/o a lanyard, but not for most of us.:thumbsdown:
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