I wasn't talking about you either.........we know we don't know all that much...:smoker:
You should be talking about me.
I fit the bill you described perfectly. :kabong:
I'm learning how little I know.
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I wasn't talking about you either.........we know we don't know all that much...:smoker:
if a lanyard strap fcks it up and you don't want to wear it - are you going to skip a PFD as well since it would leave you with a farmer tizzzzzan?I enjoy losing my ski once in a while cause usually a boat full of horny young hussies roll up asking if you need assistance! Perfect way to get a few free Cocktails!!!
The lanyard wrist thing also Fu*k's up my perfect/seamless Tizzzzzan!! jk
I enjoy losing my ski once in a while cause usually a boat full of horny young hussies roll up asking if you need assistance! Perfect way to get a few free Cocktails!!!
The lanyard wrist thing also Fu*k's up my perfect/seamless Tizzzzzan!! jk
UnderstatementYou're a dork.