Yeah, I had several hard hits on my shoulders when I was learning clipless, but that's not what convinced me to switch. I actually got pretty good at getting out and one of the trail systems I ride is very suited to clipless, super fast/flowy with some climbs.
But, the other system I ride quite a bit is way slower, more technical, and I had a hard wipeout crossing a wet section where the front tire just went sideways (and I was going straight)---that tore me up pretty bad both in cuts and hits. After that, I bought some good platforms just to see and first ride on a trail I'm very familiar with, my rear slid out on a rocky section (while going straight again) and I was able to get my left foot down and stop---the bike was almost 90 degrees to the trail but I was still standing. That would have been a very painful fall because there are a bunch of large sharp rocks there.
Also, I ride with my wife and kids quite a bit so swapping out pedals gets old even though it only takes 3 minutes.
I think I just have more fun on the platforms too, I try more stuff since I'm not worried about not unclipping.