D cut ride plate

Do some searching. It has been covered quite a bit.

It helps keep the nose up in the surf. Also helps with back flips.

It really depends on how much you weigh and what type of riding you like to do.


Louisville, Ky
what are the advantages, disadvantages? Don't know much about them.:shrug:

D-cut plates work great b/c it allows the nose come up more readily but you still retain most of the cornering capablities of a normal plate (if the trailing edges extend past the back of the hull). The function of the d-cut is to decrease the surface area of the plate that pushes the nose down. If you loose those trailing edges that extend off the back tight turning gets a bit more touchy. Great for flatwater but a little too tempromental in surf conditions (on a Superjet Hull)


Great for flatwater but a little too tempromental in surf conditions (on a Superjet Hull)

actually thats what works best in the surf..on a sj hull..its pretty much standard equipment for anyone who knows what they are doing

dcut, cut flush with the back of the ski..
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would a d work well on a 550 with someone as lightweight as me? i get alot of problems with porpoising just dunno if its partly cause my rideplate or not
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