Is there anything wrong with one of your vehicles? Why not just keep saving and keep what you got?
I would like to be debt free. Who would not be. Only debt we have is house, Cars and 1 card that we are paying off, we dont use it. Oh, it is Zero %. Toys are paid for. (SXR, SJ, Road Bike, 2 Mountain Bikes, Anita's Bike, Lawn Mower, Shop Construction)
But, if someone wanted to buy a boat, and they were in the position to where they could afford it, all other obligations are taken care of, there is nothing wrong with it. I dont know anybody that can save up 25k for a boat, by the time they did, you are looking at years down the road. Hopefully one day when Izzy is old enough, we will have a boat, most likely it will be financed. But it would be worth it. My fondest memories growing up were on the lake with my family skiing. That is where my love for the water came from. I hope she will be the same.
I agree that there are many ways to skin a cat. But I think that you would be surprised how soon someone can save up a lot of money if they put their mind to it. My wife and I make decent money but not a ton. After we got married she had some money saved up and paid off the remainder of my debt ($7k), seven months later we had that put back into savings. Because it was a priority. Not long after that we bought a S10 (another $7k). This time we had the money replaced even faster. It can be done if it is truly a priority. That 25k boat can be bought in four years if you can put $520/mo into savings, five years with $416/mo and six years with $347/mo.
What if instead of starting with a 25k boat you bought an older cheap boat to start. My dad recently bought a kinda rough old ski boat for about $2k and got a new engine for it for about $1.5k. So for under $4k he's got a usable boat that would last for six to seven years while he saves up to buy a jet sled (he uses it to fish but a jet sled is comparable in cost to a decent ski/wake board boat). Just because you can't afford a top of the line boat doesn't mean you can't afford a boat. I can't afford a corvette but we have a fairly nice civic.