Also, with medical bills you can get on cheap payment plans that have zero interest. When you call to set up payments you can pretty much name your monthly payment. And from what I understand even if you dont send the amt you agreed on, but send them what you can they really can't do much to you.
Most of the time crap doesnt hit you in line like that, but it could. If you keep the car up and not run the tires down to wire and kinda do a little at a time it makes it not hit all at once. I do all my own work on our autos so I always check tires, brakes, and anything else just to give me a time frame on when it needs to be done. My wifes honda will need a $200 motor kit in around 5000 miles. Its timing belt + tensioner, water pump, possibly valve adjustment(not sure), and all gaskets and seals.
Its just all about budgeting and figuring out a plan for lifes problems. I hate CC but if I had to use one I would.