I'm sure you could hook up with a local tow truck driver and offer him some cash for a "special" trip.
Who couldn't use a few extra bucks right about now.
Once you get the van home you can do some trouble shooting and/or repairs on your own time.
I know you're trying to help, but I'm way ahead of you.
When you have 3 kids and the van is the only vehicle you can really get them in, you gotta get it fixed or replaced quickly. My Accord will barely fit all 3 in the back, but it's extremely hard to get them all buckled because of how tight the booster seats are wedged in.
Trying to find a 'local tow truck driver' on a Sunday, 2 hours away from me, to tow a van 120 miles, not so easy, plus it's probably money wasted if you think about it when I can get it fixed there.
Anyway, the point is, we have money to get it fixed, no credit required...