I agree they arent meant for emergencies, but when **** hits the fan if that is your only access to cash then what else are you gonna do? at the time i didnt have savings. i do now. My main point though was that if everyone on earth foresaw that there was going to be an economic collapse you would have zero access to your own money. you could move your funds around however you please within that 401k but it may not make any difference. thats BS IMO. Dont think thats gonna happen with us printing more money, borrowing more money from our "frenemies", giving more money to lazy welfare retards, aiding more countries that hate us, etc etc?????? I personally do. If i knew the economy would be fairly stable for the next 20-30 years you bet i would take advantage of tax free growth. but i dont.
let me throw this scenario out there. you put in to your 401k when taxes are.... lets just throw out a round number of 10%. So congrats, you didnt have to pay that 10% and have enjoyed growth on that tax free money. but fast forward to post obamanation when he or any future president realizes they must increase income tax to 60 percent just to satisfy our debtors. coincidentally its time for you to retire, and pull your money out, paying in at an astronomical rate. did you still save money? rumor has it that france will hit their wealthier citizens with a 75% income tax this year. the good ol US of A may follow suit in a couple years with the growing hatred of its wealthy citizens from the lazy voters that refuse to work.
Like i said, I'm just paranoid. everything may be fine for hundereds of years to come. however, I dont think choosing to buy and rent real estate is less of a valuable investment than a 401k. Assuming equity to be similar to a savings account that i can cash out of later on in life, an average rental property here brings in 1000k+ every month. my employer wouldnt be matching even close to that.
Im not trying to offend anyone who has a 401k. Im just saying its not for me, probably because of illogical fears.