Daytona... How could it have been better for you????


Hooked on the Jamz
yamaslut said:
2. I will have a printed schedule prior to the event so people will not miss the check handing over or any other functions. Sorry Laurel...

This is a biggie. We only heard through the grapevine when stuff was going down. We didn't know anything about the raffle until (WF) Steve mentioned it, and I was kind of bummed to not be a part of that big check picture. I ran up to my room for a second to grab something and I looked out my window and saw the pic being taken. :frown: It's the one pic I would've wanted to be in. :frown:

Reservations for our LARGE group for dinners out would be a good idea too.

It was pretty damn flawless for a first-time monster event though.


Official Beach Bitch
hey i wore a bikini top some! but there's not much in the boobie department :wink:

no complaints here though -- you guys did a great job!:hail:

Waste Land

Non Multa Sed Multum
Florence, AL
MSD Reps on stand by:Banane26: :Banane26: :Banane26:

No, seriously...It was a great event and it was def planned well. I hope Lanier to be as well thought out


The food is a good Idea. I was shafted 30 beans for all that pizza and after the money I had alreaddy spent for the whole thing, that sucked.
It came out awsome, good peoples and lots of stuff.

I felt bad running around asking for money after peeps pitched in on
raffle and stuff. No biggie, good tweeking post...

I remember we did open bar and catored food, but that was less than
half the amount of people at the Rager.

Its all good, Great job nick.


Official Beach Bitch
Waste Land said:
MSD Reps on stand by:Banane26: :Banane26: :Banane26:

No, seriously...It was a great event and it was def planned well. I hope Lanier to be as well thought out

the lanier/riot ride is already being worked on. kathy (milf) even said she might throw in a catered dinner for saturday nite! :bigeyes: also, supposedly we get a nice hook up from redbull with a bunch of stuff!

it'll def be bigger and better than last year!:headbang:


The Durty South
Nick/Pete, you did a great job sure a ramp over the turtle nesting area would have been nice. How bout us doin it again when it's a little warmer. Not quite sure how good the surf will be though. We can BBQ and bring a cooler full of the good stuff each:woot:


The Durty South
Ally said:
the lanier/riot ride is already being worked on. kathy (milf) even said she might throw in a catered dinner for saturday nite! :bigeyes: also, supposedly we get a nice hook up from redbull with a bunch of stuff!

it'll def be bigger and better than last year!:headbang:
You guys going to get the hse boat?

Nascency Chris

The Nascency Project
daytona was the ****s...don't change a thing...thanks again yamaslut and pete for going all out and letting us all have such a great time...nice meeting so many new people...:biggrin:
Yeah it was awesome like it was.
An easier way to get skis in the water is a good idea.
I think we could have had a boat at the far break where the backies were goin on. Seems like it was far enough out there to be legal for a boat. Hence even better photos! :biggrin:
That bar was perfect. Close, and very little rules. I'm sure guys would have liked more eye candy in the bar, but a little advertising would fix that.
It was so great though. I'm gonna use idea's I learned from Daytona for the Riot Ride. Wasteland is going to be a big help like last year too. Hell, he got Ride there last year! :biggrin:
It would be hard to top Daytona Nick. The best ride to date!


Well ... the event was good, but since you're actually asking for a few ideas on what you could do, I'll chime in based on what a few people told me on site, and what I would like to see happen in the future.

Now I'm going to warn you ... I'm a marketer, so this is coming from a somewhat commercial point of view, and the reason for that is, freeriders seem to be somewhat anti-commercial, but without the sponsors making some bucks, this sport won't grow any.

1. Swap meet of some kind for sure. I picked up an X-2 from Dan, a motor from Ollie, some parts from Steve, and Turf from Laurel ... it probably would have picked up a lot more stuff if there'd been a place to do it.

2. I know you wanted to help out the local charity, which was cool, but I'd like to see more of a tie-in with the companies sponsoring the event so it's a win-win. Maybe have them chip in a few bucks and then have a registration fee of some kind for riders who want a "sponsor pack". Then, charge the people who show up like $25 - $50 to cover the "sponsor pack", which does two things.

First, it helps you pay for the food sponsors etc ... with most people coming from out of town, it really doesn't make sense for local food sponsors to hook you up free, and it shouldn't come out of your pocket.

Second, it's a second way to generate some cash to hook up the people at the hotel who were killer ( and I didn't even stay, I'm local ), you could also give the beach crew a few bucks.

The sponsors pay a few bucks to include something of their choice in a bag that's given to everyone who shows up and registers. All the sponsors can throw in a catalog, maybe some type of product sample, stickers, whatever they want. Honestly, I don't even know who sponsored the event at this point ... which sort of sucks.

Also include a t-shirt and event sticker ... this makes it worth paying for ;)

3. Have event T-Shirts for sale if you can ... even if it's just through a sponsor. I'd love to be able to walk around advertising freeride everywhere I go, and that's not going to happen if I have to take a marker and draw my own shirt. And, make it something you wouldn't be embarassed wearing around a group of younger kids ... they're the ones we need to help the sport grow.

4. I'd love to see some type of "sickest trick", "highest air", "build-off", or something like that. Maybe a few of each ...

5. Did anyone contact the guys at the magazines that cover this industry? I know they're all over the couches, but I think we could have gotten some decent coverage if they knew who was going to be on site.

6. I'm not really even sure how to do this, but it'd be nice to have some better way to know who people are ... I know all the local guys, but didn't have a clue who anyone else was.

Anyway, I don't want it to look like I'm bitching about the event, because it was the best we've seen in years ... but you asked. ;)


awesome feedback.... I will definately consider all that was brought up..


retroicon said:
4. I'd love to see some type of "sickest trick", "highest air", "build-off", or something like that. Maybe a few of each ...

5. Did anyone contact the guys at the magazines that cover this industry? I know they're all over the couches, but I think we could have gotten some decent coverage if they knew who was going to be on site.

5. the event will be covered in Ride Magazine (Thank you AWA if your not a member please sign up. it is for you... )

4. NorthGraphics had those stickers made for best trick and sickest air and best wipeout but it was so busy in the Raffle they got mixed with other things.

Last events the People that make the freeride vote on who had what.
everyone gets to be involved that way. no judges, just fun.... :Banane01:
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