Daytona motosurf freeride pics and vids 6-14-06

WaveDemon said:
how about when he popped the hood when he first realized he was stuck? hahaha

man i cant wait to see the video! it went on for a good 20-30 minutes, as i recall. i wasnt watching the entire time so i guess i missed the hood.

harrison went over the and actually started digging the sand from in front of the tires to help the guy out. what a heart.

to bad laughter cant get a vehicle unstuck.


Jet Ski Junkie
Was it a 2 wheel drive or 4? BTW, this is a tough crowd. Give the guy a break. Everyone putting him down is not what the event should be about. I hate the 3-D like the next guy but DAMN!

SeaLion said:
Was it a 2 wheel drive or 4? BTW, this is a tough crowd. Give the guy a break. Everyone putting him down is not what the event should be about. I hate the 3-D like the next guy but DAMN!

What do you mean not put the guy down? He deserves all that and then some. It's Darwin at work and he could not have fit the stereotype any better with what he was towing. I didn't see a single other vehicle get a third as close to the water as he did. The guy was a total idiot and the pinacle was when he left it in drive and got out and raised the hood. WTF??? He should be shamed to death as an example to others.


Jet Ski Junkie
OK. Not everyone is born smart. Maybe he thought 4 wheel drive can go anywhere which is not the case. If it wasn't a 4 wheel drive then I'm with everyone else.


lone wolf
no 4wd :confused: as dumbass as it was for him to put himself in that position i still felt bad for him and was compelled to help
SeaLion said:
Was it a 2 wheel drive or 4? BTW, this is a tough crowd. Give the guy a break. Everyone putting him down is not what the event should be about.

its not what the event was about. it was just the icing on the cake.


wannabe backflipper
gold coast
i am spewing i wasnt there
damn it all
I am going to try and get over for one of these things
hopefully if my bussiness takes off it will be a bussiness exp
Daytona was a f'ing BLAST and who cares about someone getting stuck!!!???!!

I don't have the words for the complete coolness of everyone and everything I witnessed there. Unreal!!!!!

Canadian Steve, MaGoo, Jersey Jimmy, Pete, Nick, JK, Mark (madoyster) and son, SJBRIT ......everyone! Unreal!!

I did'nt get my ski running until Sunday at noon which left me only 4 hours to attempt my first back flip during my first ever ocean surf ride. I'll get it next time!

My balls and skill grew 30% this weekend!! Not to mention the advice from Kenney and canadian Steve and MaGoo. It WILL happen and when it does I won't stop doing them until I can no longer ride a stand up!

What a F'ING blast man!!
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Thanks everyone.....

I had a total blast!!!! I really don't think things could have gone any better than they did... I just want to thank everyone for being so generous and respectful. Also a huge thanks to the sponsors for really stepping up to the plate to make this event more than just a bunch of guys riding.... These Freerides are the future of the sport and w/ great people like who showed up for this event, we will continue to grow and attract more people to the sport of freeride. I can't thank Pete, and Paul, our wives, Robert, Sherry for really helping me out and giving me undying support...

We had over 100 skis, 120 pilots, film crews, 44 rooms rented, spectators everywhere, and made $2,168 for Volusia County Junoir Lifeguard program... I call that a freaking awesome weekend!!! btw - I also want to give Joe Kenney props for giving me the idea to give to the Junior liguard program... He has done a lot of work w/ them in the past and I think that is the charity I will continue to work w/ They want to certify 500 kids in water safety this year and now they are fully funded to do so... We met there quota for the year!!!!!!!!! THANKS TO ALL YOU GREAT PEOPLE WHO CAME AND GAVE!!!!

Thanks again for all the kind words and next year will be even bigger and better!!!!!!!!!!

remember these sponsors who gave and made this event happen...

Jr. Magoos
WaterCraft Factory
Hydro Turf
Fuel Clothing
24/7 Innovations
Twist Graphics (Ollie Rastabean)
Side Stage Printing (jeskier79)
EVS Sports
AWA/Ride Magazine
North Graphics
Utopia Optics
Suncor Stainless
SPORTS GRILLE after the ride party
Makai Beach Lodge
Volusia County Beach Patrol

also a thanks to Wamilton for showing up and giving a buch to the charity.... What a great spirit involved w/ this whole event.

Lets not waste too much time worrying about the 3-D... let it go and lets talk about the good stuff that happened, like riding w/ Talor Curtis, Joe Kenney, Partying hard, learning new stuff, and meeting new people... That's what this whole thing was about, not dissing someone who made a silly mistake... let's let this thread speak a positive note guys....

I wanna see more pics!!!!!!!!
hey slut,thanks for having us wavejunkies down for the weekend.we had a was good the fellowship us great and we met alot of new people that were good to be around.
hope you boyz didn't mine us sit down riders to much we like to ride surf too!!


that's for stricky who's laidup!!!:wave:

aka chrisxp
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