Does any body have This Video? Jet Dreams

Mark Gomez

is where the surf is
Fullerton, CA
Someone please PM me when you get one available i would like one first please. I started the thread so there... first dibs porfavor:biggthumpup:

Mark Gomez

is where the surf is
Fullerton, CA
Well, google will host videos over 100 meg but you have to agree like 1,000 times that it isn't copyrighted material which unfortunately this is. Sorry guys but I personally am a little nervous about putting the whole thing in such a public place. If someone wants to non-chelauntley host the dvd files for a few folks to download and burn I have no problem with being a part of that, but putting the whole kit and caboodle on youtube or google for the world to see has me a little nervous.:baby::baby:

I have yet to hear back again from Darin concerning him hosting it so I imagine he is getting cold feet also and I don't blame him. If he falls through and no one else steps up and offers up about 3 gigs of webspace it may end up on rapidshare or something similar. That should still work out alright but the free hosting sites typically aren't the fastest dloads around and we are talking about 3 gigs here. Definitely still open to ideas on this one...

In the mean time, I did put a little teaser of it on google. It starts off right at the end of his dream (sorry, I had to) and then shows them getting ready to go out. Then I cut ahead to one of the Hooters videos. Nothing special, about 5 min long. FYI, quality is much lower here than on the dvd.

Just to justify my efforts, I have no intention of charging anyone anything for any of this and I suggest no one else tries to either. This is copyrighted material but the way I see it nobody is still offering this for sale or turning a profit from it (that I know of) so I can't imagine anyone getting to bent out of shape over this. If anyone reading this (that was or wasn't connected to the original production) has an issue with any of this please get ahold of me asap.

Oh my god i can remember that part i swear i watching this over and over and over again i even remember the beginning soundtrack its awsome haha its coming back. Thanks that teaser hit the spot for now till i can get ahold of the actual movie again. I really remember that syncronized tail stand i need to practice mine.
rear exaust makes that tougher though =/
thanks again


I got into this sport way after that.... Not to offend or anything, but that vid was pretty cheesey... I guess you had to be there...
:biggthumpup: :biggrin:

Dustin Mustangs

uʍop ǝpıs dn
Holland, MI
Arrrgh! No luck on hosting the dvd version for you guys. All the free file hosting sites that I considered plan B have size limitations that rule this option out (it's 3 gigs).

I'm officially out of ideas fellas. All you guys that want a copy, put your thinking caps on and try to come up with something or you may be out of luck on this one.

And yeah, it's cheesy alright. Wasn't everything that came from the 80's??




Arrrgh! No luck on hosting the dvd version for you guys. All the free file hosting sites that I considered plan B have size limitations that rule this option out (it's 3 gigs).

I'm officially out of ideas fellas. All you guys that want a copy, put your thinking caps on and try to come up with something or you may be out of luck on this one.

And yeah, it's cheesy alright. Wasn't everything that came from the 80's??



good point... I was wearing terry cloth shirts and kangaroos...

ya mean that wasn't cool???? :biggthumpup:

Dustin Mustangs

uʍop ǝpıs dn
Holland, MI
Nice mullet! I had one too back then!

LOL, for the love of god, that's not me man! I was trying to be funny!! I'm proud to say that I've never had a hockey cut (not that there's anything wrong with that) or french rolled my jeans.

Take that 80's! :spank:

BTW I got those carb kits in the mail for you today.

Dustin Mustangs

uʍop ǝpıs dn
Holland, MI
Alright kiddies, it looks like this actually might happen after all. I have officially passed the 'torch' and it is now up to fearless + his bro to seal the deal. Like I said via our emails fearless, I really think you guys should host the dvd version but you can obviously play this hand how ever you choose.
awesome. so can i just download it and watch it on my computer? i dont have a dvd burner... i think i know someone who does though.

Edit: it just downloaded in like 2 secs.. says its like 749 kb??

Dustin Mustangs

uʍop ǝpıs dn
Holland, MI
I'm not positive, but I think you have to burn it to a dvd to be able to watch it. I imagine there is some way to mount that iso on a virtual drive and watch it from there but that is w-a-y over my head so you'd have to figure that out on your own.

Like I said above, that first file is 3 gigs (that's 3 million kb, not 749). If you right click and do a save-as, a dialog should pop up that gives you a percent downloaded, estimated time left, ect... I just tried it to make sure the link isn't dead and it does still work. It looks like a lot of people are downloading it right now though because I was getting it at about 1/10th the speed I did before.
hrmm that's weird. I just tried it at school and its still doing the same thing... i tried right click + save as, and just opening it, and clicking on the file.. it brings up the window, and its instantly finished. says 749kb.... weird that it's done it on two diff computers.
How long does it run for...? after a 4hour 59 min download it plays up to the part when the three of them are on the one ski.

Does it end there or did my download drop out.

I think i know what your going to tell me......LOL.
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