Dropping gut - the check in thread.

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Keyboard Freestyler
Keep at it Saki! My wife loves to bake also. She makes all kinds of sweets, I think she does not like me.

Thanks Chic. I need to be in good shape for Nationals next year. Looks like you're gettting those stabs pretty good. I need to get my boat back together. I haven't ridden on over a month.

Way to go Demon! I know today wasn't weigh in day, but it was a milestone. Looks like you hit one too. congrats.

This thing had seemed to die out the last couple of weeks, just wanted to stir it up.


Just found this thread....
Mid aged
230 Lbs

I would like to be the weight Kevin is NOW.

Parr Daddy called me the other day to do a 5 mile trek along side him on our bicycles.. I thought to myself. "Im good for about the first 1/2 mile"
Ok, I too just found this thread and I've been working at dropping a few pounds as well.

I'm 6'2"
almost 34
size 36/38 waiste
was close to 220lbs in 10/2006

Currently I'm at about 200 (with a low of 195 after being sick for 2 days)

I have caved to some holiday eating as well, but trying to keep it in check. I've been running 2-3 miles several times a week and just trying to cut down on how much I eat as well as cutting way back on fast food.

My goal was 190 by X-mas, I didn't reach it, but I was close when I hit the 195. I figure I'll see where I'm at when I hit 190 and probably go for 180.

My 17 month old daughter is my motivation...I was starting to feel like crap and decided I better get going sooner vs. later.


for me to POOP on!
Houston, TX
I too caved for the holidays, but am back in the zone. Now I need to begin an exercise program, cardio and muscle.

I will take measurements later and repost.
Boy, did I fail over the holidays.

I did go downhill skiing (sucked wind on the big runs and I skied hard enough that my quads burned by the bottom of the runs). I thought the skiing would be enough exercise, but Mom's cookin' did me in. Sheesh, she must think I'm still 18 and growing...:rolleyes:

Of course, I could have pushed myself away from the table sooner...

I'm up 6lbs. I'll hit the cardio workout starting tonight, watch the diet from here on out and be back down 214 easily enough.

All Stock

Keyboard Freestyler
Glad to see some fresh blood.

I was terrible over Christmas and new years. I have gained about 3lbs back and haven't lifted a finger.

Back at it tonight and have already started the diet again.

MB glad to see you again. How is fatherhood treating you?
I don't want to get on the scale this week. i ate way to much and drank a little more than normal. I need to start all over again. Tread mill tonight? depends on son's homework.


Tinkering obsessed
Austin, TX
WTF, I'll join in too, now that I'm a big fat fattie from the holidays.

33 yrs
34 waist
194.6 lbs (most I've ever been).

I should be between 175-180. Should be there in a couple months. We'll see in the Spring.


Danger Zone
Colfax WA
I was bad over the holidays and gained some. However we bought a workout video and plan to do it every night. I'm still well under my starting weight but I've got 40 lbs to go to get to my goal of 225.


for me to POOP on!
Houston, TX

I will keep the size of my gut to myself... I care more about losing the gut than the weight (muscle weighs more than fat).

Back to 210, 215 was my max.

All Stock

Keyboard Freestyler
What you think that I need to relax? What's wrong with submission grappling?

This has actually calmed me down quite a bit. Nothing like being in a place where you know almost everyone there can put you in the hospital. It is a humbling experience.

Main thing is the hood tricks should be easier in the spring.


Danger Zone
Colfax WA
Any grappling will teach you good balance. I've done some judo in the past and I have done a lot of wrestling in the past and both teach you about balance and spacial awareness.
Glad to see some fresh blood.

I was terrible over Christmas and new years. I have gained about 3lbs back and haven't lifted a finger.

Back at it tonight and have already started the diet again.

MB glad to see you again. How is fatherhood treating you?

Thanks, I've lurk here and there, just don't post much.

Fatherhood is great and I wouldn't trade it for the world!

Back to the weight loss, I'm not sure I have been losing, but I haven't gained either. I'm adding mileage to my runs, so I'm hoping I'm just trading some fat for muscle.

Think I'll try a 5 miler today! Eventually, it's got to start dropping again.


WaveJunkie PR
Central Illinois
I gained five pounds between the holidays and a slowdown in riding or any other exercise. Decided to buy a bike to ride to help between riding. I'll lose those five and then some if the weather keeps up like it is!:Banane01:


Tinkering obsessed
Austin, TX
WTF, I'll join in too, now that I'm a big fat fattie from the holidays.

33 yrs
34 waist
194.6 lbs (most I've ever been).

I should be between 175-180. Should be there in a couple months. We'll see in the Spring.

Its a Monday. I'm at 188.0 lbs.

Finally picked a gym and signed up. They have a kayak pond, maybe they'll let me ski in it?
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