Dropping gut - the check in thread.

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Keyboard Freestyler
Am I the only one that had a good week????

Hahahaha! I have passed Yamasaki!!!!!

187lbs. And I took the week off from exercise. Oh yeah, I weighed this Friday and Monday morning. (not a fluke)

Got new motivation to get into shape. Going to start a Ju-Jitsu class with a guy from work. I figure having my a-- kicked twice a week is good motivation.

Keep at it!
Started reading this thread two weeks ago and thought about loosing a few pounds. Well two weeks later and eating noting but crap up 2-3 lbs :banghead: . now it is time to get serious about loosing some weight. Need to now loose 30 lbs to get to my goal.
No more beer:frown: , no fried food and drinking lots of water.
Went swimming last night and hitting the tread mill tonight.
Well less beer.

now 195

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Keyboard Freestyler
Friday before a wedding and eating out every meal since Friday night and a Texans game, I was 183lbs.

Since all that I am 185lbs. I hate busy weekends.

Either way since I started August, I have lost 35 pounds.

Good luck Saki, You can do it, You can do it all night!
216 this morning. I guess I'll make a goal - 200 by February. I know I can drop down easily enough, but don't know if I can stay below there for long. I guess the long term goal will be to maintain 200.


Danger Zone
Colfax WA
Thanksgiving hit me hard, the wife made two pecan pies to compliment her mothers two pumpkin pies. . . doh. Did a little bird hunting though so I got some excercise on top of a couple of good runs and some other light cardio and isometric stuff. overall I'm up 3 lbs since Tday. I've got plans on a hard run tonight then a nice bike ride on Tue
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