Dual sport bikes

i gotta rehab for a few weeks anyways.. if all ends well.. what better excuse to buy an '09? :usa2: :usa2:

it also won't tempt you to ride.... be smart and no impact for months. It may sound hard to do, but look at me... The doctor told me to never jump anything again, but I am back working w/ my hands all day, riding skis and dirt bikes... I am not going stupid like I use to, but w/ moderation and smarts I can keep healthy... It sucks to think I won't be pushing the limits like I like, but I get to do it and that's better than sitting on the couch or riding one..
i hear ya dude.. as of this morning, you are my current role model.

he he he... you will feel better w/i a few months.... just 0 (ZERO) impact... The body is much more amazing that I thought it could ever be at repairing itself... Stay positive and keep off that back... I really can't say it enough about how important it is to give it time to heal. If you don't it will never ever get better.... Time is your friend and if you think about it... 6 months is nothing


Wolf Child

Just Another Octard
All over C. FL
im in love again..... and her name is oxycodone

don't do it... that ******** is the devil. Deal w/ the pain like a man and move on. You get hooked up in that crap and I'll see ya in rehab... NO JOKE!!!!!!

you can either listen to what your body tells you or ignore it.... That crap will not help you!!!!! I never took one pain killer unless I was so bad off that I could not sleep for days... Seriously, DO NOT TAKE PAIN KILLERS UNLESS YOU ARE IN DIRE NEED!!!!! I have seen a lot of people really ******** themselves up on that crap.
I hear ya dude.. after two no sleep nights followed up by an emergency visit to the doc today.. I had enough...

its not just my back.. I got crazy sciatica too.. that's actually the worst part of all this.

I've been hitting my in laws stash today.. not bad at all I must say..
After my last leg break I got hooked on those painkillers...started using them even when I wasn't in pain...it was tough to beat them down. For awhile I couldn't goto sleep if I wasn't pilled up. Really sucked...especially when you run out of them and have to start acting like a crackhead to get more.

I didn't need rehab to get back on track but it was tough and certainly a challenge that you share with your spouse. JMHO.

Well...It's dad's day....I'm heading to the track
i dont know, i gotta be honest here.. even of cocktail of tylenol 3's + alleve + ibuprofen + tylenol pms wasnt helping me yesterday.. i was in crazy mad pain.

right now i'm on 2 oxycodones and 2 ibuprofens and i still cant move my leg. its a constant throbbing pain... excrutiating is the word i would use here right now.. this is horrible.. fark.. i got 3 discs pushing on the same nerve
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Wolf Child

Just Another Octard
All over C. FL
i dont know, i gotta be honest here.. even of cocktail of tylenol 3's + alleve + ibuprofen + tylenol pms wasnt helping me yesterday.. i was in crazy mad pain.

right now i'm on 2 oxycodones and 2 ibuprofens and i still cant move my leg. its a constant throbbing pain... excrutiating is the word i would use here right now.. this is horrible.. fark.. i got 3 discs pushing on the same nerve

you sound just like my late wife. she had the exact same complaints.

1 discectomy surgery, 1 spinal fusion a few weeks later, and two fentenyl patches later, and she was dead.

be careful, bro.... that's all I'm sayin'
i dont know, i gotta be honest here.. even of cocktail of tylenol 3's + alleve + ibuprofen + tylenol pms wasnt helping me yesterday.. i was in crazy mad pain.

right now i'm on 2 oxycodones and 2 ibuprofens and i still cant move my leg. its a constant throbbing pain... excrutiating is the word i would use here right now.. this is horrible.. fark.. i got 3 discs pushing on the same nerve

the first week or so you will need the killers to sleep, but after that, dump em immediately.... I was completely off killers after 2 weeks... the pain was still there, but I could sleep... do not rely on them!!! You have to man up and take the pain or it will turn you into a junkie


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I loved my XR500R for last 5 years. Cheapest entertainment I have all winter long! $10 gas and I'm playin in the desert all day! Not the best jumper but I can man handle it around. For my size its works..6'1" 210 lbs. I'm lookin for a newer(2000+) XR now, maybe a 400 or something...


Анархия - мать порядка!
I was on heavy doze of percocet for two months, it took me about 3-4 days to get off it, it was not that bad.

Saki, this sucks bro! Hope you heal well!

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Damn Edwin, sorry to hear about that............ as soon as your able, start the PT, build up the muscles, that will be your best course of action..........

drop the drugs as soon as you can.


2strokes forever
Waterbury, CT
I love supermoto man they are fun to tool around on and still perform in the woods/trails quite nicely... Check into the DRZ400. they have a dual sport version and an SM version (on the 17" rims)

heres my CR500 supermoto I built and got registered in CT




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