sounds promising.
where's your battery mounted?
How do you tune the PV's? Have you?
Do you have any rpm numbers? When do you feel the "hit"?
is your timing advanced at all?
Get some timing in that engine... Use a TL so you have a way to pull timing out for this pipe. Use race gas w/ some decent compression.
Do you have any rpm numbers? When do you feel the "hit"?
I like the set up but am getting the impression that it really is better suited for a accessorized super stock or built motor. I personally don't think this pipe will obsolete the b-pipe by any means. Thus far this pipe is reacting like most dry pipes do. Somewhat squishy bottom with blistering midrange and top end. Adding timing, compression and a lightened flywheel just gets it to that midrange power band faster. The b-pipe is somewhat different b/c it is tunable and you can adjust the pipe to the motor, not just the motor to the pipe. I am not drawing any conclusions yet, just thinking out loud.
but not sure about the regular OEM ported cylinder guys w/ stock elecronics.
Who runs stock electrics? You don't even have an Enhancer in it right now, correct?
Also, your cylinder has never made great bottom end either, so add on the stock cdi/flywheel and you just softened it more.
Want to try my Enhancer/light flywheel?
Sorry, did not hook a tack up to it. All I can say is that it come on like a dry pipe from what I can tell. But it is no secret that a dry pipe makes better power. Maros used to run the R&D dry pipe.....and Malone has run several different dry pipes throughout the years. Most dry pipes work great, you just really have to spend the time to tune them to get them hoppin and running like a scalded dog.
That being said I don't think this pipe is just bolt on and go mod. I think you really need the right accessories to optimize the set up and get it working for you. Big bore lamey and stroker motor guys with tl, ect I see the pipe helping them but not sure about the regular OEM ported cylinder guys w/ stock elecronics.
I doubt many people including myself could keep his ski pinned on smooth water, it's a very squirrelly hull and his lamey pv cylinder seems to be more ported for top end (probably an old race cylinder) plus the dry pipe.
Well, a race port job with high compression & a good timing curve should have plenty of bottom end:shhh:
Come on how hard is it to crouch down, pull the throttle & hold on:nana: