Other EPIC question

Lee, I know it's a hassle but next time you have the elec. box open, check the (ac) voltage of the charge coil (white/red stripe to ground) at idle as well as when you rev it a bit. Charge coil issues predate the EPIC,


s. fla
i know that it is an issue. but my thought was because mine is so new with such little time on it, that it would be fine.
my motor has never even been cracked open. i will check it as well.


I had a vision!
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s florida
I just had a customer of mine that is experiencing the same problem with is epic on a new 2010 SJ. His not only shuts off, but now his breaking up thoughout the powerband.

IMO,I don't think it has anything to do with the charging coil!


I had a vision!
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s florida
So his charging coil is confirmed good then?

I installed a brand new OEM stator in mine and the problem was the same. His ski is brand new 2010 SJ with very few hours. I believe Lee's ski is also pretty new as well!

or, Yamaha is producing some defective charging coil!!!!


Thrust built Dasa Power
Off site
I have had my Flame do this a few times since its been installed. I thought the same thing as Boyer (I must have hit the Stop button). My lead can't touch anything. Its been a few rides since its happened.


s. fla
i thought i hit the stop button as well, but my switch is rotated forward. so the stop button is in front of the bars. no way to hit it. i have yet to look any further into my issue.

maybe this week : ) my team is getting ready for havasu, so we will not be riding much til late october.
I have 2010 Sj that had less than 3 hours on ski when we installed a Dasa SS865 with an epic ignition, b pipe, 49mm Full spectrums and boysened reed set up. Motor has 175 psi compression running 93 pump fuel.
I put an hour meter on the ski with the new motor. I have put 2 hours on the motor over the last few weeks basically trying to jet the thing. The ski would hit hard from idle but if you rolled the throttle on or cruised at low speed, it was really crappy. It seemed really rich. I assumed I had the pop off wrong. Ski never ran right 0-1/3 throttle unless you just nailed it. As I am trying different pop off pressures with no real success, it started dying like others have described. When this happened 3-4 times I tried the second timing curve provided with the epic and ski ran for about 5 min and it died again. This time when I restarted, the motor ran like crap throughout entire rpm. I tried switching back to first timing curve and still runs like crap throughout the rpm range.
I am going to either try my stock ignition or an enhancer to see if it cures the problem. After reading this thread, I think I have been spinning my wheels trying to jet this motor over an ignition problem.


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
I have had my Flame do this a few times since its been installed. I thought the same thing as Boyer (I must have hit the Stop button). My lead can't touch anything. Its been a few rides since its happened.

Never happened to me with my Flame. I did have the low voltage during cranking issue at first. Basically, if the voltage drops below 10V during cranking, the ignition will not fire. This shouldn't happen when everything is in top notch condition, but the OEM ignition is far more forgiving here. Once I replaced my battery cables and put in a new OEM starter, the problem went away. Not the Flame's fault, it just brought or existing gremlins that an OEM ignition would have tolerated.


Thrust built Dasa Power
Off site
Never happened to me with my Flame. I did have the low voltage during cranking issue at first. Basically, if the voltage drops below 10V during cranking, the ignition will not fire. This shouldn't happen when everything is in top notch condition, but the OEM ignition is far more forgiving here. Once I replaced my battery cables and put in a new OEM starter, the problem went away. Not the Flame's fault, it just brought or existing gremlins that an OEM ignition would have tolerated.

Yeah Matt my first ride on the Flame I had that same problem, replaced cable ends, etc. And it fixed the problem..... You have to keep those volts up while cranking...

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
I'm curious what software revision is being run in each of these skis. Mine and Scott's are Version 1.0

Original flash that came in our units was V0.4.0.9
Second version available as a flash was V1 and included a refined timing curve calculation and a rev limit increase over 8000rpm. (rolled out June 2, 2010).
Third version available was V1-06 and had the update for sleep mode. (rolled out sept 9th, 2010).


I'm moved by DASA power!
So what is the verdict on these ignitions? Are the gains worth these occasional issues? I am considering this as a winter project. Any feedback would be great.

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
Every product has issues, the great thing with the EPIC is the customer service and ease of reprogramming so even issues such as this one are an email file away and a quick reflash.

I'm not dissatisfied in any way with mine.


Thrust built Dasa Power
Off site
I love mine, I had the EPIC & switched to the Flame to run the superlight FW..... Great products, Chris at ATP is top notch in support & has help many of us with these little issues.

IMO its the best bang for the buck!


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
Indeed. Couldn't be happier with mine (i run the tl, not the epic)
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