Just to keep you up to date on progress so far.
We have a new flash available which has been fully tested both on the bench and on the water that will hopefully sort the above issues.
We have also introduced a hardware change that should remedy the tuning issues that a limited number of people are having. A huge number of hours have gone into EPIC during the last two weeks, we have fitted and tested on a ski 15 randomly selected units, and believe or not cannot reproduce one of the reported problems.
I am certainly not saying they don't exist just that I cannot reproduce them, we are therefore working in the dark to some degree, what we have done is to carefully analyze the information supplied by e-mail of end users issues. We have tried to come up with scenarios that could happen and cause problems. For example we have even taken into consideration the cranking speed and the time it takes with a variety of modifications to the engine to get to full cranking speed on different engine builds.
The bench mark for the original tests on EPIC was of course an OEM Superjet, from here it went onto skis with a variety of mods and cc's. The first ever EPIC prototype is fitted to a 760cc S/S freestyle ported engine with a pipe, head and stock carbs.
This ski is still running flawlessly as it has for 12 months and has just won the amateur class British Freestyle Championships.
There is an up side to all of this, yesterday we fitted a unit returned with tuning issues to a ski and rode for approx two hours, the ski ran perfectly throughout the test. We then switched to an EPIC with the hardware mods and were surprised that even with the same curve found a significant power increase. This unit was then re flashed with all the latest tweaks and ridden for a further 3 hours, after all this testing, as the day came to an end an experienced racer and myself took turns on it. This was (as already stated) completely stock and neither of us could quite believe how well this thing
The plan now is to send a modified unit to someone (already determined) with a tuning issue to make sure this has been cleared up, once confirmed this mod will then be offered to those who need it. Those who have e-mailed us direct will get an e-mail from us in relation to this with proceedure details.