Eric Malone's Famous Dock Hop


615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
Should have added a ramp on the front!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wanna see ya try it. Bottom line is that it really doesnt matter what ski your on if your nut sack isnt big enough you will never know if your ski can do it. I know I wouldnt try it on my boat LOL, I might try it on yours though hahahaha!

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
I wanna see ya try it. Bottom line is that it really doesnt matter what ski your on if your nut sack isnt big enough you will never know if your ski can do it. I know I wouldnt try it on my boat LOL, I might try it on yours though hahahaha!

Chris and I use to jump some 8' docks when our ski's were limiteds....... Pucker factor was high!
what a bunch of Debbie Downers! so what if he didnt clear it. And like anyone who watched the video didnt know he failed to clear it you didnt need to announce it post after post. Try building people up instead of putting them down...


Site Supporter
what a bunch of Debbie Downers! so what if he didnt clear it. And like anyone who watched the video didnt know he failed to clear it you didnt need to announce it post after post. Try building people up instead of putting them down...

Relax....we are just joking. Malone is king....
Not even Chuck Norris could have done it better.

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That's a LONG jump. It's more about inertia than power at that length. I used to jump a 13' floating dock on a whooped out old 440 Kawi but it took about 1000' of runway to get enough inertia to clear it.
even though some keyboard cowboys could apparently have done better......that was freaking awesome
Apparently nobody is aloud to make a joke on the internet anymore.

It was still sweet and took balls. I just thought it was hilarious that the dude titled it Eric Malone's "Famous" dock hop when only 130 people have seen the video and Malone didn't even clear the dock haha
Lets break this down for the people:

title of thread:
Eric Malone's Famous Dock Hop

yes it was eric Malone, he is pretty famous as far as jet skiers go, so that would imply that if he does it it will be come infamous. (not far from the truth as far as I see it) and he did jump a dock. Ok we got that cleared up. Thank God!!!

"Yes its True...A 30 foot jump over a dock, on an EME 1200!"​

He did jump 30ft since to clear the dock he said it was 35ft. He landed about 2-3ft short so really it was a 32-33ft jump, over a dock, on an EME 1200

Please tell me what is misleading about that. I mean really. Did he say he cleared it at any point in the title or thread?

yes, this was intended to be a joke as well as the truth...
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