Eric Malone's Famous Dock Hop


615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
Pretty awesome feat. regardless of outcome. Dude has elaphant sized gonads.
If he would have made it 2-3 feet farther it could have been a serious disaster, nose in, tail up flippin yardsale. I just wish Eric would get back into comp. riding. We need a riding Pro capable of taking and holding National Titles IMO.
Lets face it, the World Finals were dominated by NON Americans. Not that they are not GREAT riders deserving of the title, but its always good to have a hometown champ.
Eric has been the best American freestyle rider forever and to know he is still capable but not riding SUCKS LOL.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Pretty awesome feat. regardless of outcome. Dude has elaphant sized gonads.
If he would have made it 2-3 feet farther it could have been a serious disaster, nose in, tail up flippin yardsale. I just wish Eric would get back into comp. riding. We need a riding Pro capable of taking and holding National Titles IMO.
Lets face it, the World Finals were dominated by NON Americans. Not that they are not GREAT riders deserving of the title, but its always good to have a hometown champ.
Eric has been the best American freestyle rider forever and to know he is still capable but not riding SUCKS LOL.

He did compete in the national tour some last year if I am not mistaken.


V watch your daughters V
Waterford, MI
Lets break this down for the people:

title of thread:
Eric Malone's Famous Dock Hop

yes it was eric Malone, he is pretty famous as far as jet skiers go, so that would imply that if he does it it will be come infamous. (not far from the truth as far as I see it) and he did jump a dock. Ok we got that cleared up. Thank God!!!

"Yes its True...A 30 foot jump over a dock, on an EME 1200!"​

He did jump 30ft since to clear the dock he said it was 35ft. He landed about 2-3ft short so really it was a 32-33ft jump, over a dock, on an EME 1200

Please tell me what is misleading about that. I mean really. Did he say he cleared it at any point in the title or thread?

yes, this was intended to be a joke as well as the truth...

To be completely truthful, he said "We'll get it done". I think he owes me a second attempt. maybe a third if he needs it. :stups: For now I say "FAIL" (I just refuse to be a suck-up) but I like that he tried it with inadequate equipment ( c'mon, a 25ft. tape measure?? sheesh..). I'll give it two snaps, and a twist (no kiss)


To be completely truthful, he said "We'll get it done". I think he owes me a second attempt. maybe a third if he needs it. :stups: For now I say "FAIL" (I just refuse to be a suck-up) but I like that he tried it with inadequate equipment ( c'mon, a 25ft. tape measure?? sheesh..). I'll give it two snaps, and a twist (no kiss)

maybe he should just take two or three feet off the dock with a chainsaw to make everyone feel better about themselves.
To be completely truthful, he said "We'll get it done". I think he owes me a second attempt. maybe a third if he needs it. :stups: For now I say "FAIL" (I just refuse to be a suck-up) but I like that he tried it with inadequate equipment ( c'mon, a 25ft. tape measure?? sheesh..). I'll give it two snaps, and a twist (no kiss)

you know I am no suck up... I was just pointing out facts... ha
Look what i started.
Now you pissed him off!...wait for the video of him jumping over his truck!

Thought we'd just show you guys what we were up to Up North!

Id like to see some of your attempts at the dock hop on a 1200.

Did this thread get moved to News thread? or did i just post it here?


you know I am no suck up... ha

:scratchchin: Nope, but it sure does rhyme! HA !! :wave:

Look what i started.
Now you pissed him off!...wait for the video of him jumping over his truck!

Thought we'd just show you guys what we were up to Up North!

Id like to see some of your attempts at the dock hop on a 1200.

Did this thread get moved to News thread? or did i just post it here?

Maybe it was moved to feature video; if not, it should be. :cheer:


lol wut?
South Jersey
Didn't make it. 25ft jump over a 30ft dock.

Let me fix my post: Didn't make it. 25ft jump over a 30ft dock. :) smilyface

Impressive jump. Still didn't clear the dock though. Forgot the smilyface to show that I was being lighthearted about it. Now everyone can relax. Not downing your precious Malone :)
If he had put foam in the tank he would have cleared the whole thing. From watching the slo-mo it's very clear that fuel sloshing is what killed the last few feet...

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