fire extinguisher.. and $156 ticket

The Penguin

triple secret probation
Of course I dont complain when I get speeding tickets. This is my first ticket for anything. I never thought of using it for others, makes sense though. Looks like next time Ill have one. The cop also told me, my 2010 CA registration wasn't valid in NC, which made no sense to me.
If you are in the Corps and stationed at Lejeune, you could probably make the argument that CA is your home state and you are only in NC temporarily.
Thats what I was thinking, I vote in CA, have my license in CA and my permanent residence too.

I had the same issue when i was stationed in MD. Most local police are not aware that when you are in active duty status, you do not have to change your plates, license, registration, etc. to the current state as long as you claim another state as your home residence. Even if you dont have a residence there currently.
I was told i had 60 days from when i moved to MD to change all my stuff over by a trooper that pulled me over. Then i got a ticket by the local water patrol for having MI regs and he has seen me on the water for over a year with them. Went to court, judge threw it out because i was active duty military. Youd be surprised who doesnt know about that. I was a MP and we had DOD police on base and they were trying to ticket all the permanent party for not changing their plates and so on.
I would get the fire extinguisher for $12 at walmart and if you get stopped again and get told you have to change to NC regs. Explain that you are active duty and are allowed to keep your home states registrations. Be polite though. Chances are, the officer isnt aware of that or wasnt aware that you were active duty military.


Customizing addict
Macon, GA
I had the same issue when i was stationed in MD. Most local police are not aware that when you are in active duty status, you do not have to change your plates, license, registration, etc. to the current state as long as you claim another state as your home residence.

This is very true. In fact, if your state of residence doesn't require a fire extinguisher and the state you're riding in does, you aren't bound by that states regulations. You've basically pleading ignorance. Good luck convincing the officer of that though... :noevil:
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Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Same thing happened ot me once with making a wake in a no wake zone. I was on a stand up ridign in the tray on my knees going as slow as humanly possible to keep the ski upright and going straight.

It is a money making ploy. Pay up and just be aware next time you are put there. I hate the water cops ever since then! Sucks


Squarenose FTW
Site Supporter
This is very true. In fact, if your state of residence doesn't require a fire extinguisher and the state you're riding in does, you aren't bound by that states regulations. You've basically pleading ignorance. Good luck convincing the officer of that though... :noevil:

its a coast guard thing so it applies in all states
I have a ex in both skis
but the one in my 750 is under the hood, nozzle full of epoxy and you have to pull the pipe to get it out
at least I can show it to the occifer :biggrin:
I had the same issue when i was stationed in MD. Most local police are not aware that when you are in active duty status, you do not have to change your plates, license, registration, etc. to the current state as long as you claim another state as your home residence. Even if you dont have a residence there currently.
I was told i had 60 days from when i moved to MD to change all my stuff over by a trooper that pulled me over. Then i got a ticket by the local water patrol for having MI regs and he has seen me on the water for over a year with them. Went to court, judge threw it out because i was active duty military. Youd be surprised who doesnt know about that. I was a MP and we had DOD police on base and they were trying to ticket all the permanent party for not changing their plates and so on.
I would get the fire extinguisher for $12 at walmart and if you get stopped again and get told you have to change to NC regs. Explain that you are active duty and are allowed to keep your home states registrations. Be polite though. Chances are, the officer isnt aware of that or wasnt aware that you were active duty military.

I knew that for cars you didnt have to change your plates and reg, I only assumed for water crafts that the same applied. I talked to legal on base today and you are correct about watercraft. So nope I wont be registering my ski again until it runs out next year!

WRX Dave

Freestyle poser
Thats what I was thinking, I vote in CA, have my license in CA and my permanent residence too.

The cop has you on the extinguisher, but the registration is a load of crap. I've been a temporary resident in several states due to my work and never had to change registration. You definitely don't being in the military.

I've noticed water cops love to write BS citations for things like that assuming the person doesn't know any better. Once they find out that you know your stuff when it comes to the law they tend to leave you alone. It's much easier for them to ticked an uneducated boater.
The cop has you on the extinguisher, but the registration is a load of crap. I've been a temporary resident in several states due to my work and never had to change registration. You definitely don't being in the military.

I've noticed water cops love to write BS citations for things like that assuming the person doesn't know any better. Once they find out that you know your stuff when it comes to the law they tend to leave you alone. It's much easier for them to ticked an uneducated boater.
Good thing next time I wont be an uneducated boater!
Having been at Lejeune before, why New River????? Why not go up the coast.....there's tons of it!!!! I'm just saying, the majority of the coast line in Onslow County all belongs to Camp Lejeune. There are old training areas that would be perfect to launch a ski at and you would probably never be bothered!

Grand Rapids, MI
Same thing happened ot me once with making a wake in a no wake zone. I was on a stand up ridign in the tray on my knees going as slow as humanly possible to keep the ski upright and going straight.

I got pulled over for that once (no ticket) but the cop said I was "splashing" and I could lay with my body in the water if I couldn't balance in the tray :eek:
Having been at Lejeune before, why New River????? Why not go up the coast.....there's tons of it!!!! I'm just saying, the majority of the coast line in Onslow County all belongs to Camp Lejeune. There are old training areas that would be perfect to launch a ski at and you would probably never be bothered!

We almost never ride New River.. That day we had just finished a ton of work on both our skis' and we were testing them out.. and new rivr happens to be 5 minutes away..Otherwise we would have headed to the surf!
Luckily I know a place that i can ride now thats private property. My dads friend has land on the local river and he dammed it up and made a small lake, about the size of a large pond. Its closer to the house than the lake and I dont have to worry about harrasment. The downsides are the cottonmouths, the size, and the depth. Theres places that are waist deep and its a good place to lawn dart your ski. But its great to play in and tune your ski. I use the trees sticking out of the water as bouys :veryhappy:.
i leave mine in the trailer and get it if the cop is comes on the lake. however, if a boat is on fire, im doin fountains!!! haha

Thats actually an awesome idea... Ive never tried a fountain on my fx1 though. I barely weighed enough to get the front of my 550 down lasst time i tried on it
Of course I dont complain when I get speeding tickets. This is my first ticket for anything. I never thought of using it for others, makes sense though. Looks like next time Ill have one. The cop also told me, my 2010 CA registration wasn't valid in NC, which made no sense to me.
fancy that. i got pulled over too at wrightsville beach intercoastal cuz of my PA registration sticker.
Did he ticket you?
thankfully no. It was litterally like 5 minutes after i got it registered. he just gave me bs about the registration and tried to give me more bs about going to fast in the no wake zone? i was going maybe 4 mph making a tiny wake and there are guys flying past me.
He asked for my liscense\registration like normal, but I did have my extinguisher so there really cant be a reason for ticketing me.

cops.. just looking for some business:rant:


Yes, my balls tickled from that landing
Charlotte, NC
iv always tell them i have one but i cant pop the hood. works every time (so far).

yes im knocking on wood
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