Fire extinguisters don't float


I've got the glow
Site Supporter
I still say the best fire extinguisher is the pop your hood off and roll the ski over method.

Anytime I get pulled over and show the cop my fire extinguisher I always tell them that the last thing I'm going to do is try and get my fire extinguisher off. An engine compartment full of water is going to put the fire out a whole lot faster. Personally I'd rather have some water intrusion than a charred up ski.


tacoma, wa
I think it's more for other people who are on fire. If your buddies couch is on fire and it can't be flipped, rolling your ski isn't going to help much, lol. But yeah, if it were each guy for his own, I wouldn't have one..


Washington DC
It has always seemed kind a a silly thing to have IMO.

I can see it to help out someone else, but that is not really why they are required, it is for the ski they are on.

Now I have a WB1, and I seriously doubt I would EVER take the time, while my ski was onfire, to unscrew the lid to where the fire extingusher is in an effort to use it.

I'm fliping over my ski, and swiming for it.


Washington DC
True, but they are not required so you can help someone else, they are required, like a whistle, as a safety device for the vessel they are on.


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
I put the seat on my X2 and it didn't click. It slid off while I was riding. Good news is, the seat floats. Bad news is, I have 5 extra seats, and no extra fire extinguishers.


This Is The Way
Staff member
True, but they are not required so you can help someone else, they are required, like a whistle, as a safety device for the vessel they are on.

I think in some states you are required by law to try and help another boater in distress. If you see somebodies boat on fire and do nothing about it because you dont have an extinguisher you could face some serious penalties....

someone should make a floating extinguisher.

they do, its called a bucket.

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usually drunk
Detroit River MI
one time i did a fountain into the back of a 26 foot sea ray because the guy was being a dic#. it was funny because i knocked his buddy over while swamping his cabin. the point is, if i saw a boat or couch on fire i would/could do the same rather than grabbing a fire ext.


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
I put the seat on my X2 and it didn't click. It slid off while I was riding. Good news is, the seat floats. Bad news is, I have 5 extra seats, and no extra fire extinguishers.

It has happened to the best of us X2'ers... I lost a fire extinguisher and holder that way once too.

Recently my mom towed my skis home for me when I was moving and the jet ski cover was barely on, it blew off. She stops on the interstate and gets it, putting it in her car. Then the seat blows off so she stops and gets it while cars are swerving away from it. She put the seat in her car and continued on for home. Well I didn't have the heart to tell her to stop and check to see if the fire extinguisher tube was still under the seat.... Even though the seat and cover both blew off... the fire extinguisher and tube/holder made it home though, all 165 miles. I probably should have made sure the cover and seat was on tight but I was wore out and tired from packing/moving for two days straight.

I have a spare tube and extinguisher for those instances... Every time a DNR has stopped me on the water, they want to see the fire extinguisher.
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