Super Jet First Superjet. Reinforcing, Defoaming, Ported 735


The Weaponizer
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I have small feet(8.5),but these holds are huge regardless.. Pretty long too, so tons of tray space.

Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk
those are big, i am also a size 8.5-9.
I was looking at some other holds that have pre cut mat kits for ease of turf installation. Turfing isnt my strong suit.
Im more comfortable doing a little extra glass work then redoing my turf 3 times like my last ski project and that didnt have footholds lol.

Any other reccomendations on mods to do while the trays open?
I plan on tapping the pump and using my factory bilge for dual cooling.
I am not going to be doing a scupper, ski spends alot of time in the water and dont want any hassel of it leaking.
And i will be reinforcing the bond line.
Does that about cover the stuff in the tray?


The Weaponizer
Site Supporter
Precut mats don't mean easy necessarily. Just take your time, measure, use extra turf in the footholds. Put something down between the mat and the ski where you don't want it to stick. Use tons of heat with a heat gun. Makes it much easier. They are big holds, but then you can use tons of padding for a really comfy, confident lock in.

Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk
Precut mats don't mean easy necessarily. Just take your time, measure, use extra turf in the footholds. Put something down between the mat and the ski where you don't want it to stick. Use tons of heat with a heat gun. Makes it much easier. They are big holds, but then you can use tons of padding for a really comfy, confident lock in.

Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk

X2 I originally had blowsion digger foothold. With a precut matt kit pain in the arse to turf. You outta reinforce the sides of the hull under the tray if u plan on doing barrel rolls. Blowsion has a really good one way valve. Ive got one didn't leak at all

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
thanks Roseand on the knowlege on the mat kits. Maybe i wont go with the pre cut kits.
and thanks TX i will reinforce the sides for rolling, dont know how to roll but i like doing thing right the first time.


The Weaponizer
Site Supporter
If you like doing things right the first time, don't use two part foam when you refoam. Use the foam insulation that comes in sheets that you find at home depot, etc. It's inexpensive, and won't ever absorb water. Also, add drain plugs for the tray too. You'll never perfectly seal the ski up no matter how hard you try.
yeah after reading some other builds and TXs build i figured i would go that route on the foam.
I wasnt really planning on the drain plugs but i will read into it a bit

got the ski fully defoamed over the weekend, what a fun weekend it was...

I am going to order the BOB holds, and a front foothold from raddudes.
Also going to order my carbon after the new year.
Any places with better prices than US Composites, i havnt really looked at any others

Happy Holidays Guys


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Cats, lots of cats!
United States
If you have huge footholds and tiny feet...pad the F out of that tray and the top, sides, and bottoms of those holds. You and your feet will thank me come riding season.

I have clowner holds, 1/2 inch foam, and size 12 feet and still wear shoes when I ride and they get tired on a cruise.
Whats everyones take on the NYNJA exhaust. I was planning on the Fact B pipe but was looking into this a little.
Skis going to be pretty much for Rec, mostly flatwater and like 10% surf
Was going back and forth on doing a trim system, alot of people say its not worth putting one on a sj.
I decided to give it a try anyway and went with the Thrust EZ Flow Pro

I am thinking about shortening the hull but i dont know how confident in my skills i am to do that.


sqeez bth levrs & lean bk
Site Supporter
Shorten that sucker. You'll b happy u did. Once u ride a shorter, more nimble AM hull u realize how much of a long board cruiser the SJ hull feels. If ur doing the other mods this is another must have mod. Taking 3-4" off a stock hull is not too drastic either. You'll still be able to cruise and carve but the shortened length makes the overall ride more responsive from the ones I've rode.
More parts got deliverd to the house this week,

Thrust Trim
BOB holds.
Roll of Carbon
resin amd hardener (US Comp)
Surf Seal
Aluminum Rear Exhaust Pipe from Raddudes.

Also have a set of drainplugs coming, and ordered the 12 vein Solas Mag pump stator.
Looks like a really nice piece and i read some good reviews on it.

getting back to work on it next weekend 2000 miles from home
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