Nice turd cutter indeed. Haha. I can't find any good pics with hot chicks next to stand ups. Like the blowsion girls. Jet ski bottom beotch<oken=01278311#i=9
I would change the studs but I'm worried about stripping them or breaking them in the block. I don't want to deal with that
. I'll try it. I have some other studs off another ski.
Better impeller, what do I get. I only paid 50 bucks for it brand new. I'm just looking for a low end prop. All it says on it is 16. I don't even know what that means haha
I have the rest of the 1996 zxi750 if anyones interested. Super clean ski. The owner wasn't very happy when I told him I was just gonna take the motor out. It's got the nice pump and the trim motor easy 800 bucks right there.
last weekend at el cap lake, lakeside CA on my buddies beater. clean on the inside dirty on the outside. im a modern day smoker