Flat Water Barrel Roll


Yacht Wakes Hunter
I have been trying to nail a barrel roll lately. After talking to that dude at Murray lake last week (Airborne's Dad?), I realized that I was supposed to crank the handlebar to the left when launching off the wake. I was literally getting around half (half was my best) rotation without cranking the handlebar to the left on a sxr. I tried it out two days ago off setup wake and my cousin riding the X2 told me I was getting more than 1/2 rotation (not a 3/4 though) but not getting enough airtime. Got to work on my pre-load.

A lot of useful advices in this thread..
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I learned through the tips on the X here and mostly by myself out on the Lake for a week while I rode my STOCK 04 for the first time.
My suggestions:

1. Work your setup wake out so you hit it from the side not head on. Usually in that case you will plow into the wave and get minimal height.

2. Practice Practice Practice your approach and timing coming into the set up wakes. It does no good to set up a wake and not use the wake to its full potential in your trick.

3. as you get to the wake pre hop and kick rear of the ski somewhat to the left almost into the set up wake.
a. This gets your pump dug into the water
b. Gets you full brapage as the ski was temp. out of the water allowing the motor to max RPMS.
C. continue having the ski pinned as you launch off the set up wake throwing your body over your head over the left side of your ski.

4. Commitment- Everyone is terrified of it.
but really you have to get the mind set of WANTING to eat Sh*t when you throw your head over your bond line.

5. As you throw your head over, this whole time your handle pole should be on the hood, Bars cranked, still pinned, knees bend and body as low as you can get it sucking that tray as close to your ass as it can get.

The most important is throwing your head over and really committing.
You can almost have your head between your chin pad and bond line in front of the bars. Its not so much shoulder work as you think. When you use shoulders to brute throw the ski over you will look like your doing really awkward nose stabs.

You can watch this Video of me on my 4th day of riding my Stock 04 superjet from Wamilton. I had the advice in my head from the X, but its all about applying what you learn and really forcing yourself to find whats going wrong in mistakes.

Flat Water Rolls

Hope this helps.


I Just re built my FX1 with super jet pump, Jetmaniac ported 720 motor, trim, solas mag pump with hooker prop, ballistic battery and kart tank. Do you think the ski could get upside down at all?


Sierra Nevada Runoff Rider
Site Supporter
Ahwahnee, CA
Cool thread. I'm so sore from trying my first rolls on Sunday... I haven't ever watched someone do these in person. My best attempt was 1/2 a roll. For some reason,I was trying them without a set up wake :D. So hopefully if I use a set up wake I can make it all the way.
I will get some video next weekend.
Was out trying rolls on my RN this last weekend... Doesn't feel so great after a few pancakes! Although I made a couple just over 3/4 and rode out, pretty good feeling! I can't quite remember what i did differently on the successful ones. I think the hard part is pushing for the jump, but at the same time throwing your body enough to make the rotation. Do you guys just throw your body and let the ski "jump" itself off the setup wake?

EDIT: Went out again this weekend...letting the ski jump itself was much more effective. DId two plate to plate rolls by just throwing my body/head and letting the turn of the bars and throttle complete the rest.
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Iv stomped a couple on my superjet, 701.. basic mods. I don't like to try them anymore lol I have cracked my ski enough from getting 3/4s around too many times
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