sflsurfrider said:wavedemon. could you please change your avatar? its kind of disturbing.
Ditto Tim. You're REALLY starting to scare me! :bigeyes: :scared:
sflsurfrider said:wavedemon. could you please change your avatar? its kind of disturbing.
sflsurfrider said:wavedemon. could you please change your avatar? its kind of disturbing.
sflsurfrider said:wavedemon. could you please change your avatar? its kind of disturbing.
my freek of the week hasn't had his due time yet... soon.sflsurfrider said:wavedemon. could you please change your avatar? its kind of disturbing.
T-bone said:TRUE,TRUE,TRUE, Ive seen flat water barral roll done on a stock sj....its all about rider skill. there again not to start anthing but all these people are down on Lee Stone..."its all boat"... well fact is that little dude has skills.
Waste Land said:I never said it wasnt posisble to roll a stock SJ....it can be done in the surf way eaiser but for flat water..
Most people need power. Everyone is talking about skill skill skill.......thats 80% of it. But coming form nothing to a BR on stock is very hard. Where you can learn with more power, and once you have allt he movements and many many good lands down....you can easily do it with less power.
:Banane01: :headbang:
Superman said:tell us how you really feel......... lol :arms:
but thanks for that, going to try and hurt myself some more tomorrow:scared:
SuperJETT said:Coming soon: Yamaslut's bubble-wrap wetsuit for barrel roll newbies.
I get what you're saying, you gotta just do it. They have been done with long poles, short poles, single carbs, dual carbs, 650's, Lamey 950's, etc.
The first picture I ever saw of Rick Roy was in the back of Splash I think (still have the issue) doing a huge bronco on his blue 550 with Disney characters all over it. He was completely upsidedown as he went in. He already had the form and moving up in power to what we'd call a limited 650 SJ got him the rest of the way around.
Any guesses who this is?
He's on a limited 650 SJ from what I remember.
sflsurfrider said:wavedemon. could you please change your avatar? its kind of disturbing.
:hail: :hail: :hail: :hail:yamaslut said:the key here is starting the god damn process before ya die of old age!!!!
I see all these people who are like, when I get my pipe... when I get my new hood, when I get a shorter pole... BS.
You have got to get out and do it!!!! talking about it won't make it happen.
Also... saying you have no one to learn off of is a BS excuse too... I still to this day have no one that I ride w/ that does any tricks, including BR's and backys...
....or smoke it!Yamaslut said:so..... **** or get off the pot bitches!!!!!!!!!!!
end of rant #2....
I don't see what the problem is...Lawrence Mark said:I agree, but Demon never claimed to be a beauty queen.:scared: