flat water BR

Mike Serlin

Maybe I'm just lazy a flatwater barrel roll seems like a lot of work. I give all you guys props, especially Ross who learned em on a stocker fx1, for learning how to do flatwater BR's. I hardly made it half way around on the few times i attempted it
Tim thanks for the vid helps a lot,

but why oh why do i have to watch it on a monday, now i have 2 days left before i can try and i am all phsyced( wednesday a public holiday over here) :Banane01:

well as said i have a stock 2005 superjet with intake grate and impellar. so goibg to give it a bash any hows, i see how you have done the set up wave, what happens after you about to leave the lip ? :hail:

getting wamiltons footholds delivered next week friday. so should ahve footholds installed in the next 3 weeks or so. but gonna attempt them without them, to get the motion going (with a helmet) :bigeyes:


I'm gonna work on this at Lanier and throughout the summer when it's flat...
Great info Tim....
:Banane01: :woot:


Ok ill chime in too... It was a real scary thought to flip that ski around in the air and not know how im gonna land, and that by itself kept me thinking and thinking... untill the first time i attempted the BR i said fcuk it and just went for it without thinking... i landed upside down.. inverted sub. Good! Felt like someone slapped me hard on the back of my head and i was seeing stars in mid day heh... So from there i kept doing the same thing and now im comfy landing upside down and it aint that scary anymore.
Now i know im not giving it my 100% which is good cuz i know what i need to do to complete it.
Today i finally perfected my setup wake and im loving it.
This weekend im going all out.. and hopefully will post and say i did it:biggrin: :headbang:


Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
Yamah0 said:
Ok ill chime in too... It was a real scary thought to flip that ski around in the air and not know how im gonna land, and that by itself kept me thinking and thinking... untill the first time i attempted the BR i said fcuk it and just went for it without thinking... i landed upside down.. inverted sub. Good! Felt like someone slapped me hard on the back of my head and i was seeing stars in mid day heh... So from there i kept doing the same thing and now im comfy landing upside down and it aint that scary anymore.
Now i know im not giving it my 100% which is good cuz i know what i need to do to complete it.
Today i finally perfected my setup wake and im loving it.
This weekend im going all out.. and hopefully will post and say i did it:biggrin: :headbang:

Werd.... Don't let your brain talk you out of rolling!


Who else?
Tear your rotator cuff up. Jack yourself in the face with 300 lb. sucker punch.

As a matter of fact one time I came back from trying barrel rolls and my wife was pregnant. That's how purvasive just trying can make your sperm. I knocked her up from the lake.

That's all I've endured so far . . . but it was worth it.


  • Jen Belly Water 2.JPG
    Jen Belly Water 2.JPG
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    front view 3 best.JPG
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Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
wildman326 said:
Tear your rotator cuff up. Jack yourself in the face with 300 lb. sucker punch.

As a matter of fact one time I came back from trying barrel rolls and my wife was pregnant. That's how purvasive just trying can make your sperm. I knocked her up from the lake.

That's all I've endured so far . . . but it was worth it.

Hahaha! Damn - what about all those girls on the beach? :bigeyes:


Superman, DO NOT attempt to roll without footholds of some sort. The footholds keep you in contact with the ski when it is upside down over you as well as allowing you to lift the back end up and around. Consider them a safety feature. Just practice making the wake and getting back to the wake before it dissipates.
WILDMAN, that ski (in the vid) had a 5mm Team Scream stroker in it at the time - AWESOME power. I predict you will love yours.
SLUT, ask Steve (WF) or Stoyer or Bogey to watch you / advise you at Lanier. It also helps to videotape to see what you do wrong.
Wish I could make Lanier to demonstrate, but maybe next event if surgery goes well.



Old, but still ridin'!!!
SuperJETT said:
Any guesses who this is?
He's on a limited 650 SJ from what I remember.

That BR was :lame: :frown: :frown: :biggrin: Glad I don't do them without a setup wake anymore.

It was a little more than limited but not much. 650 motor, bored to 701, very mild porting, B-Pipe, 195 - 200 lbs of compression, single 44 carb, Solas J prop, Westcoast scoop grate and standard length AC pole. Steering, pump, ignition and pretty much everything else was stock.

But your point and slut's point is right on. You can BR almost any standup if you have good technique.


this thread kicks ass!!!!!!!

I plan on heading down to Tampa during the summer and get Pat to help me.. (he doesn't know that yet) :biggrin: :biggrin:


WaveDemon said:
I gots a place you can stay nick. hell, a lake to ride on too. fyi the lake that pat rides in is about 20 min. from my house.

**** yeah... thanks bro...


Old, but still ridin'!!!
yamaslut said:
this thread kicks ass!!!!!!!

I plan on heading down to Tampa during the summer and get Pat to help me.. (he doesn't know that yet) :biggrin: :biggrin:

:aargh4: F*#& that. If there isn't any surf, you'll be doing flatwater rolls by the time you leave Texas, biatch. :woot: :woot:

Then you can go down to Tampa and show them how it's done.
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