Mark Gomez's FWF Ride review
This is actually pulled straight from my Daytona Freeride Article that I wrote for Watercraft Performance Online magazine.
However there is the entire ride review part that didnt make the cut that I would like to post here for those of you who may be interested in hearing my point of view on the few skis I rode.
Here ya go:
Friday has become known as “Flatwater Friday” where the flatwater big guns of the flat water freestyle industry drive over to local lake Dias to exchange rides and show case all kinds of different aftermarket freestyle skis and products. I usually prefer to stay at the beach for the main freeride but friday’s weather and surf conditions were stormy and far from ideal or ridable. To say the least most people got the same gist of the day just by looking out the window in the morning which made the lake a very busy location that day. I was personally able to ride the following skis, Bud Production’s personal X-Metal built “KDX 900”, Blowsion’s Custom painted Lee Stone 1200cc “Revolver” ski, and a 1200 carbon Super freak Circus ski.
The KDX 900 had great amateur level power on pump gas and still had plenty of power to flat water flip. I was most impressed with the KDX’s sharp steering which made flat water 360’s consistently possible. The Blowsion built 1200 Revolver was an interesting ride. Unfortunately the enclosure footholds were not equipped with enough padding for my small shoe size so it greatly hindered my ability to stay locked in and throw the ski around to give a best review. However, the hull handled great, it is extremely stable, stays gripped to the water when making aggressive set up wake turns, and is easily able to flip and roll. The only downside to the hull was the weight. being a fiberglass lay up the ski lost a lot of its potential especially with the DASA 1200 and larger Magnum pump. The ski I was most impressed with was Tem Berkey’s carbon fiber Superfreak Circus ski with an over sized magnum pump and DASA 1200. It was the most angry little flat water jet ski I have ridden so far. It felt just as stable and flickable as the Rickter XFS Ninja series that I test rode in Havasu. Yet because of the weight of the carbon lay up, this ski was absolutely without a shadow of a doubt one of the most insane flatwater skis I have ever ridden. I was able to flat water flip this ski twice back to back with ease without a set up wake. I am super impressed with that ski overall with its power delivery and stability to perform combinations of different tricks.
Many different riders, hulls, and engines were on the lake that day. The riders who stole the show were non other than Amateur Freestyle World Champion, Daniel “Live Action” Martin and National Freestyle Champion, Jason “The Destroyer” Stoyer. The two of them together put on an incredible throw down show riding new X metal KDX 1200 skis.
Thanks again to Bud, Blowsion, and Tem Berkey for the rides. It was a lot of fun and I appreciate the opportunity to take em for a rip.
Dont forget to check out the full daytona freeride article I wrote for Performance watercraft
Click here