

High on jetskis.
thanks for the help randy. i got some glass and resin today at the boat shop and the guy offered to sell me 10gallons of 12lb for 100$! i was like I WISH!! thats just waaay too heavy lol


Johnstown, NY
i did mine with 3lb foam... although if i did it again i might just use that foam used for boat docks... you know that stuff isnt going to absorb water like this crap.


Johnstown, NY
not the stuff ive seen... its huge blocks of blue foam. very early spring its normal to see random chunks floating in the lake from the ice flow. the stuff looks old as heck but still light as a feather... ill look more into it at the local marina.


I just defoamed mine today and talked to two guy that told me they would just reenforce the tray and put no foam back in. One guy has done a couple of skis and is riding twice a week in surf, he just put some aluminum strips in the tray to reenforce it. With no foam you could just put a couple of drain plugs. It just makes me nervous not to have foam. Whats you guys take?


Johnstown, NY
there are a few people that have done it and are getting away with it.... yes you save weight but i wont risk my ski for that. the foam might save your a ss someday!


Looking for a fixed steer standup
Mendocino Ca
i would love to have the balls to try and just hope that airtight is enough.
theoretically if it was all dry the no foam would float better because it is lighter weight.. correct?

As long as it is done right and you have drains I don't see any problem with it. I'm starting from the ground up and going no foam if it sinks it sinks. I think she will float and work with no problems. I guess I'll find out one way or another.


thanks darin...noswad!
As long as it is done right and you have drains I don't see any problem with it. I'm starting from the ground up and going no foam if it sinks it sinks. I think she will float and work with no problems. I guess I'll find out one way or another.
Install everything less the motor and electrics and substitute some weight to get back to the right weight then go test.....


Katie's Boss
100% one place
I would put in drains and voids. I did this to mine and Katie's and it is nice years later to be able to pull the plugs and drain out water. I get a couple cups of water after a year of riding and I sealed the heck out of the hull when I refoam. Do a search on voids I have listed step by step methods I used to refoam and install drains.



Katie's Boss
100% one place
i would love to have the balls to try and just hope that airtight is enough.
theoretically if it was all dry the no foam would float better because it is lighter weight.. correct?

Good luck with that over time it will leak again. PM speedfreak he has no foam and wishes he had foam.

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