Other For you ocean guys jumping waves, freestyle, surfing etc, do you run a trim?

For ocean riders do you feel trim is good or bad for jumping waves, freestyle, surfing etc?

did a search but couldnt find anything,
I hear its not needed. id think it would only help with a flip. let's see what others have to say........i'm curios as well.
for flatwater freestyle, trim adds a whole new set of tricks. im sure its the same in the surf. no need to buy it until you max out your trick routine with stock nozzle

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
I'm still relatively new to surf riding but I never use mine. All the guys in our group that backflip either do not have trim, have it but detuned it to only a couple of degrees of trim or have stopped using it all together.

Trim is good for backflips in smaller surf because it makes you rotate faster and get around quicker but keeps you low. You can get alot more height without trim.


Its all about the surf!
Oceanside, CA
Trim is good for backflips in smaller surf because it makes you rotate faster and get around quicker but keeps you low.

This is exactly right. On the West Coast we get surf a little larger than the Atlantic so nobody uses trim. You'd over rotate every thing. (i've never really seen a trim set up except the ones that tilt down for racing)
I pretty much never use it in the surf. Lake Michigan surf is nasty choppy most of the time. We rarely get clean days. I'm hoping to start trying to use it more on flips on those less than nice days. It does kill your height though.
If I buy a ski with trim already installed and I ride only ocean would it have a negative effect on the ski? Is there a way for it to be disabled so im riding the ski as if there was no trim at all? Would I have to take the system off for that to work?


Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
don't pull the trim lever and it's like there is no trim.

my ski has trim installed on the pump but currently there is no cable or handle bar lever. It just flops around back there until I hit the gas and the jet straightens it out. NBD


the majority of trim systems DO NOT offer the same amount of steering throw as a modified stock nozzel or one like ATP is offering...having a very quick turning ski one of the most important things in the surf...mine turns very very fast and it allows u to change direction mid wave face very easily

If I buy a ski with trim already installed and I ride only ocean would it have a negative effect on the ski? Is there a way for it to be disabled so im riding the ski as if there was no trim at all? Would I have to take the system off for that to work?


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
I've heard that before.
Exactly what is it about trim that reduces steering?
I've looked at mine (never had trim before, this is my first) and I can't see any less throw. :dunno:


just remove it and sell it...buy a stocker and then grind it to allow maximum steering throw assuming u have a quick steer turn plate..im sure u can find a thread on here explaining the process...if not ill take a pic of mine just let me know

If I buy a ski with trim already installed and I ride only ocean would it have a negative effect on the ski? Is there a way for it to be disabled so im riding the ski as if there was no trim at all? Would I have to take the system off for that to work?


are u comparing to a stock nozzel that isnt modified or one thats been ground to allow it to turn nearly 90deg?

if u move the little ball all the way in (u have to grind to allow u to move it over all the way) the steering nozzel will hit the reduction nozzel before it hits the steering stop on the turnplate...u need to grind the sides of the steering nozzel to allow it to get full throw on the cable/turnplate...there is a fine line between griding the right amout and grinding too much which allows blow by at full steering...mod a stocker and swap it out...u will thank me later...id say u would be pretty hard pressed to find a superjet that steers faster than mine..

I've heard that before.
Exactly what is it about trim that reduces steering?
I've looked at mine (never had trim before, this is my first) and I can't see any less throw. :dunno:
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steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
I've been running a modified stocker for the past six seasons, so I know what you're talking about.
Why couldn't you do that to the steering on a trim-equipped nozzle?

id say u would be pretty hard pressed to find a superjet that steers faster than mine..

I don't have my old SJ anymore, but I would have bet you money that mine steered quicker than yours. :biggrin:
I modified it at the nozzle, at the steering plate, lengthened the steering cable, and had a shorter hull.
It turned FAST.

Btw, the shorter hull turning faster is exactly why I haven't even thought about modding this current steering yet, because the pump sticks out so far on the Superfreak anyways.
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i used to run a protec trim nozzel without the trim ring...sense it is "flared" to accomodate the trim ring there is no grinding required..that one also had an inch or so cut off the end so the nozzel was very short...it seemed to make it turn even faster...i need to try cutting the stocker im running now


cause u have a trim ring that dosnt allow it turn all the way until it hits the reduction nozzel (idk what kind u are running but the ones ive seen/ridden didnt allow for full steering)

I've been running a modified stocker for the past six seasons, so I know what you're talking about.
Why couldn't you do that to the steering on a trim-equipped nozzle?
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steals hub caps from cars
Site Supporter
at peace
i used to run a protec trim nozzel without the trim ring...sense it is "flared" to accomodate the trim ring there is no grinding required..that one also had an inch or so cut off the end so the nozzel was very short...it seemed to make it turn even faster...i need to try cutting the stocker im running now

This past year I had been running a stock Waveraider trim, but without hooking up trim. That's the only thing that fit on my Skat reduction nozzle. The stock WR steering nozzle cleared the trim ring just fine and allowed for PLENTY of throw.
I had a lot of finetuning to do to make sure that the steering stop on the pole was my limiter and nothing else.
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