FRAUD ALERT: Anyone Live near or in Spokane, WA.....

cambo au

good luck man i hate hearing stuff like this
i would love to go and zip tie the bloke up and take him for a drive to scare the crap out of him
Ok here's the latest.....the dispute filed with ebay has been closed and seller has been reported to eBay's Trust and Safety team. I received confirmation from USPS that my complaint has been received and I will be contacted directly if further information is needed. By the way, I called the jacka$$ today and left a voice message on his cell phone kindly informing him that I have not forgotten and that things are in motion to have his a$$ arrested. Called the home hung up on without a word being said. More to come.
Ok, here is the latest. Not much really. I received a copy of the MO and yes it was cashed. Found the delivery confirmation number and tried calling a couple more times. I received acknowledgement from the US Postal Inspectors (a generic response indicating they received my complaint and they would contact me if further information was needed). I updated the info at I filled an online crime report with the Spokane PD today. I'll keep updating.......


Site Supporter
Have you posted this over at PWCT also?

I've learned my lesson on 0 feedback sellers. It was only for $13 and i received no contacts and he closed his ebay account. Then I posted his names(real and ebay) and he happened to be a member and some other board members knew him too. We got the whole thing straightened out.

Good luck man! Keep after it.
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Have you posted this over at PWCT also?

I've learned my lesson on 0 feedback sellers. It was only for $13 and i received no contacts and he closed his ebay account. Then I posted his names(real and ebay) and he happened to be a member and some other board members knew him too. We got the whole thing straightened out.

Good luck man! Keep after it.

Did that 15 minutes ago. I was just waiting a while and been pretty busy, trying to get caught up and moved.

Thanks.....'s the latest......back around July 7th I receive an email from the guy explaining in a nutshell that things were screwed up and he was going to make it right (just out of the blue). We exchanged several emails making arrangements to ship the following Monday. And yet again, he appears to have fallen off the face of the earth......I have to round up my case numbers so I can update that I have had contact but no results..........
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Danger Zone
Colfax WA
Tell the guy that if he is willing to give me the money for shipping I'll come and pick up the motor and put it in my X2, I mean ship it to you :biggrin:

If he's busy or what not I'll take care of the shipping for him.
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