Freestyle hull w/Kawi powerplant/pump???


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
I have yet another new job and yet another new pay plan-I feel like a circus worker going from town to town. Here's the point-I'm thinkin bout a light weight hull and hood, was thinkin bout it 4 my SXR-but-is it time to cut bait and switch??? I just hate the idea of givin up my GREEN blood-soooo how bout a Kawi 800 in a Watercraft Factory hull, or a Wamiltons hull, or a Blowsion hull??? Is it do-able??? I think it would be the best of both worlds in 1 ski at 1 time!!!!! Or for that matter-do you think Paul-Jr. Magoo's would take on such a project???:sneaky:


Creative RE Purchasing
Kinda of just joking around, I was thinking about taking my 800 SXR engine and putting it my SJ, but not the pump unit. I don't have a B pipe yet b/c I'm broke but I do have an SXR sitting in my garage.

Takeastand SJ

R.I.P. 8/9/2008
Blowsion hull is sick, picked one up a month ago and it was a slight bit lighter than my SJ. They were complete skis, I don't know about just the hulls.
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lone wolf
Takeastand SJ said:
Blowsion hull is sick, picked one up a month ago and it was a slight bit lighter than my SJ.

a guy showed up at our local break with one a few weeks ago ....very nice:hail:


Ride for life
North NJ
I saw the Wammer light hull at the WF in 04. It looked real good.
Blowsion got a hull now in 2 different weights.
Go spend some dough and tell us how you make out.


Site Supporter
Cleveland Ohio
Dont get a stock Yamaha hull unless you want to defoam and reinforce.
If your gonna bother getting a different hull, go aftermarket. The amount of work it takes is just ridiculous to switch everything over and make it all work.

If you go Yamaha, you are going to have to switch steering cables, make the drive work, rethread couplers, make electrical box fit, etc etc etc.

In 2 years, I will be going aftermarket with my hull and hood. Whoever makes the coolest platform for an SXR freestyle ski will get my $!!! I figure my SXR will be fully whooped by then and ready for an entire makeover.


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
Guys-I am really impressed!!!!!!!!! I really thought this would b a waste of time asking here and thought it would be the biggest slamfest since the 'doogiesuxcourtney parts 4 sale' thread.

THANK YOU for your honest input!!!!!!!! If I knew sheit bout how to make a Yamaha pull real hard and stay together-I'd buy an SJ-but I don't!!!
I'm not sayin I am the masta of Kawi's-but I do know enuf to make myself happy.
i was contemplating it, but i got such a good deal on a yamaha motor, i couldnt pass it up. Myself and Keith have a bedplate fabbed up to accept either motor.

Waste Land

Non Multa Sed Multum
Florence, AL

Please dont take this the wrong way as I consider you a friend and will tell you like i feal just as I would have you tell me.

Either buy an SJ and get what your really looking for or level up some skills before sinking so much $ into a leight weight ski. All the power and pretty objects in the market cant make up for skill. You can have a full blown powerplant...a 50lbs hull.....but if your skills arent up to parr you'll still be doing the same stuff you were doing on your regular hull. It's not gonna make you BR, its not gonna make you BF.....

Again....I'm no pro...this is the same principle I use for myself and I'm just sharing. Not disrespect meant what so ever.

I believe you have a little bit to go before worrying about after market hulls, engine transplants and creditcard bills. The hull would be more of a show piece then used to its potential.

Again...I hope you feal this message wasnt disrepectfull.


Creative RE Purchasing
gilwilliams800sxr said:
Guys-I am really impressed!!!!!!!!! I really thought this would b a waste of time asking here and thought it would be the biggest slamfest since the 'doogiesuxcourtney parts 4 sale' thread.

THANK YOU for your honest input!!!!!!!! If I knew sheit bout how to make a Yamaha pull real hard and stay together-I'd buy an SJ-but I don't!!!
I'm not sayin I am the masta of Kawi's-but I do know enuf to make myself happy.

I'm in the midst of the switch myself, so I feel your pain. But this board has awsome members with awsome information. I have learned so much about Yamaha's in the three months I have been riding one, all from here. Before my first superjet I picked up 3 months ago I was strictly kawi.

Waste Land

Non Multa Sed Multum
Florence, AL
Scorn800 said:
Stay green.

Fruck all this "Stay green" pride bull********. Get the ski that suit the needs. Flat water freestyle. So you bought a kawi...sell it...people get this KAwi pride ******** and would rather spend $$ out the ass trying to make it like a SJ...screw it
Idok said: gong to go out on a limb here......


lol Agreed. No offense but putting a kawi motor in a superjet defeats the purpose of getting a superjet. Might as well put a moped motor in the hull. :bigeyes:

Get a superjet all the way, you wont regret it!


Ride for life
North NJ
Waste Land said:
Fruck all this "Stay green" pride bull********. Get the ski that suit the needs. Flat water freestyle. So you bought a kawi...sell it...people get this KAwi pride ******** and would rather spend $$ out the ass trying to make it like a SJ...screw it
settle down there
Why would anyone wan to turn a sxr into an sj?
sxr's rip
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