Freestyle hull w/Kawi powerplant/pump???


lone wolf
Waste Land said:
No offense....just not into seeing nost stab, BR, BF, and every now and again a reentry over and over. I'm into aerial, technical, and fun.

sorry,you will never convince me that flatwater is more fun:wink:

i watched the world final vids,ET could count all the different tricks on one hand while phoning home:moon:
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Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
I guess after reading all this I need to do the same thing w/rolls that I did w/stabs-wait till Lanier again-prior to Lanier I was doin everything wrong trying to stab-rode w/all u pro caliber guys and was nose stabbin in minutes-stabs are now soooo easy-now I want to roll and flip, so-go to Lanier again and learn to roll this time and jump in the line up for double up boat wakes and try to flip. The 1 qoute I heard at Lanier that I try to keep tellin myself was---WE ALL SAY-IF I JUST HAD A LITTLE MORE HP-I COULD DO IT---then pros ridin Magoo's ski came back and said-soo much for that excuse anymore. It's frustrating for me riding on a lake w/minimal other stand up pilots and no one to watch and learn from. Lanier was sooo much help and such a eye opener!!!!


Site Supporter
Cleveland Ohio
Here is the problem with Gil getting a SJ. First, he will have to gut it, defoam it and reinforce it to make it even strong enough for FS. He allready has everything else he needs for FS on his SXR, except a light enough hull, right now. From the list of parts he has, he is allready faster than most 701 Superjets. If he goes aftermarket with the hull, he is now light as a SJ and strong enough for the abuse. It is probably actually less work to switch out the Kawi hulls than get a SJ.... Remember those Aftermarket SXR type hulls are made for freestyle. I just think he would lose his A$$$$ on all the $ he dumped into the SXR allready. I ride superjets all the time, and do not want to switch at all. The lightweight tossability of a SJ just isn't worth the poor handling to me.

The only way it would be worth it for him to go blue at THIS point is if he buys a reinforced ready to Freestyle SJ. Then he would be in the same place as an aftermarket hulled SXR.


Finally Flippin
In my opinion the only downfall to the SXR is its weight, with a lightweight SXR hull that problem would be solved. But I do agree that if he is going to buy a hull thats not the SXR style but one w/ a different hull design for freestyle, then whats the point of not getting a freestyle SJ and throwing tubbies on it.

Waste Land

Non Multa Sed Multum
Florence, AL
djkorn1 said:
Here is the problem with Gil getting a SJ. First, he will have to gut it, defoam it and reinforce it to make it even strong enough for FS. He allready has everything else he needs for FS on his SXR, except a light enough hull, right now. From the list of parts he has, he is allready faster than most 701 Superjets. If he goes aftermarket with the hull, he is now light as a SJ and strong enough for the abuse. It is probably actually less work to switch out the Kawi hulls than get a SJ.... Remember those Aftermarket SXR type hulls are made for freestyle. I just think he would lose his A$$$$ on all the $ he dumped into the SXR allready. I ride superjets all the time, and do not want to switch at all. The lightweight tossability of a SJ just isn't worth the poor handling to me.

The only way it would be worth it for him to go blue at THIS point is if he buys a reinforced ready to Freestyle SJ. Then he would be in the same place as an aftermarket hulled SXR.


Good points but I think he could part out his SXR parts...put it back stock and its still race legal.

I'm sure his sxr will be faster then most 701s....I dont know of any freestylers building top speed boats though. As for the poor handling,'s a freestyle not a race boat.

Lets discuss the skill input now. I completely agree a A/M sxr hull is better then a SJ. But why drop 3k or more for a bare hull and hood when its not gonna make you a better rider. Gil is progressing, true, but needs an aftermarket hull? Neh...

I just think people make it too much of a "I need this to do this" It can be done on any ski really. However, if your unsatisfied with your current hull. Sell everything....get a SJ. That come into a more freestyle ski with money for parts instead of a SXR you paid alot of $ for...then alot of $ for parts....then alot of $$ for hull. Yes...buying a SJ is gonna cost more in the short....but add up the SXR, parts, and a 3k hull? 3k alone will buy Gil a decent SJ with parts. So for the price of a HULL he wants to make it more tossable...he can buy a freestyle SJ

Not sure if that made sense.....I'm not a scholar in the writing area:dunno:
Where do you see the 3k for hull and hood.
If it were that cheap I might have one.

The glass and Cabon Blowsion at 100lbs is 5k!
The all Carbon at 80-85lbs is ..................7k!

I dont even know if that includes a Hood?

Waste Land

Non Multa Sed Multum
Florence, AL
FL-cracker said:
Where do you see the 3k for hull and hood.
If it were that cheap I might have one.

The glass and Cabon Blowsion at 100lbs is 5k!
The all Carbon at 80-85lbs is ..................7k!

I dont even know if that includes a Hood?

I was basing it on a wammer hull I saw alwhile back.

Again....proving my point....lose a little money getting a SJ for freestyle
Spends tons of money getting a "freestyle" sxr

and still have the same skill brainer that WASNT a seadoo that RR was riding? :bigeyes:


i thought everyone had figured out...malone's on an octane hull that theyve just made to look like a kawi..

subtly, this has turned into a SJ vs. SXR debate.....

what I want to know is, how come you sxr guys get all bent when us SJ riders say SJ for flatwater freestyle and sxr for race...

you dont see us getting all whiney when noone says SJ for race......we all KNOW that the ssxr will whoop up on pretty much any SJ on a buuy course (and if you want to get technical on me, then we'll say both boats are STOCK)....

for freeRIDE, well...if you got surf...then whatever you prefer....

Waste Land

Non Multa Sed Multum
Florence, AL
Idok said: that WASNT a seadoo that RR was riding? :bigeyes:


i thought everyone had figured out...malone's on an octane hull that theyve just made to look like a kawi..

subtly, this has turned into a SJ vs. SXR debate.....

what I want to know is, how come you sxr guys get all bent when us SJ riders say SJ for flatwater freestyle and sxr for race...

you dont see us getting all whiney when noone says SJ for race......we all KNOW that the ssxr will whoop up on pretty much any SJ on a buuy course (and if you want to get technical on me, then we'll say both boats are STOCK)....

for freeRIDE, well...if you got surf...then whatever you prefer....

Preach it my brotha.....:hail: :hail:

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
IDOK, Malones hull was built by a guy in Florida, it was an SXR Based hull, built to his specs....... He went to dinner with me and Paul (Jr Magoo) at the Orange Beach Race back in March.............
^^^^^^Trinity Composites....321-704-9276.....Bobby. I personaly know Bobby and he is cool as hell! I bought my B1 from him, he builds Composite full scale airplanes and is one smart Mo Fo. Bobby is currently making light weight trials components for a national pro, and has alot of future plans for the freeride industry.
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Site Supporter
Cleveland Ohio
BK... all I was saying is that a a SJ isn't ready for Freestyle either... you have to do a lot to the stock hull so it doesn't self destruct.

I don't think he needs a new hull, but if he wants to spend a bunch of $, it would be a killer ski. Kind of a best of both worlds ski. SXR handling and toughness and SJ lightness.

Gil hasn't been riding this ski that long... I would just keep riding.
Big Kahuna said:
IDOK, Malones hull was built by a guy in Florida, it was an SXR Based hull, built to his specs....... He went to dinner with me and Paul (Jr Magoo) at the Orange Beach Race back in March.............

intererstinig....I thought we had all come to the conclusion awhile back that it was an octane....hmm

ok, but SURELY that was a seadoo that RR was riding...right? :bad3:
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