V watch your daughters V
- Location
- Waterford, MI
#4. Gotta give it to a guy that wasn't going out of his way to get noticed. #1 is already a winner, since he got noticed doing something foolish at the expence of his macho reputation.
#1 three days of the green speedo friday cold sat cold sun cold
did he walk arould in the speedo or just ride in them?????
Or you could just combine #1 and #4...
Or you could just combine #1 and #4...
I will wait till tonight, but it looks like the X2 guy is getting the holds.
Funny because its and X2 and I dont have holds for X2... OOPS
did not think about that when I posted, just picked the funny ones.
Might have to send one to runner up !
Does anyone know who #1 & # 4 are ?
It is our buddy BJ. Send it to me and I will give it to him. I will probably be helping him install it anyway. He has a FX-1 also, we may try and make it work on that.