Once again, I believe that's a misconception.
According to who? Blackjacks are some of the easiest to tune, most forgiving carbs available. If you buy them straight from Jetworks, they'll be set up for your combination and you get awesome tech support from Art.
Brazina is reportedly pretty hard to access at times. Full specs are great carbs. I believe part of the fascination with full spec is the fact that they are so overpriced. It's the most expensive so therefore it must be the best, right?

Also, if a particular builder who is popular at the moment says they are the best, then they must be, right?

I'm not knocking them at at all. Just saying that most(if not all) the opinions about Blackjack carbs come from people who have no experience with them at all and from the tired old Group K article on carbs. My question is this. If Blackjacks carburate flawlessly
AND flow more air than any other carb on the market, what more can another carb do?
I don't get any free stuff from Jetworks or even any discount from them. I just get really weary of the same old crap that is based on nothing.:banghead: