Other Garage Door Break-In You Can Prevent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I can wright pages about this, but short and simple, if your garage door and opener are install correct it is not that quick and easy to do. Just remember when you zip tie the emergency release, it’s there in case of emergency.
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OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
I find I use the quick release a couple times a year so I wouldn't really want to defeat it altogether but a small tie wrap would probably prevent break in and yet still tear away when pulled correctly.

Our door has an overlap at the top that would make this little trick impossible to perform so it looks like we are good.


Buy a Superjet
YouTube "bump key" and never feel safe again, in the garage or in your house.

We use the manual deadbolt on our garage door every night and during the week when we are not home. There's really only a few hours of the day when the latch is not thrown. We also have an alarm system and our retired in laws living right across the street from us.

My father in law has his opener on a switch so he can disable it from inside the house. I told him about them being able to pop the opener and he blew me off so I'll be sure to show him that video tonight.

My buddy's neighbor just got robbed during the day. They kicked in his steel dead bolted door on the side of this garage. Ended up breaking the frame around the door and getting in. Best part is the cop told him in his 25 years of service they have never caught someone who has robbed a home..

On a side note get everyones number in your neighborhood and call them when you see a strange vehicle or people around there home and hopefully they will do the same for you.


Yo hablo ingles
My buddy's neighbor just got robbed during the day. They kicked in his steel dead bolted door on the side of this garage. Ended up breaking the frame around the door and getting in. Best part is the cop told him in his 25 years of service they have never caught someone who has robbed a home..

On a side note get everyones number in your neighborhood and call them when you see a strange vehicle or people around there home and hopefully they will do the same for you.

There was this guy in Vegas that broke into somebody's house that had a security camera system. They put the video of the guy on facebook and it went viral. The guy ended up turning himself in the next day because he knew it was only a matter of time. So a $5 zip tie (who pays $5 for a zip tie?) can keep somebody from pulling this trick, but as somebody already said, if somebody wants to break into your house, they'll find a way. A camera system and social networking can work wonders though.


Site Supporter
I strapped a double barrel shotgun to the "release handle" so when the poor bastard tries to latch into it, He will be pulling the trigger instead.


I find I use the quick release a couple times a year so I wouldn't really want to defeat it altogether but a small tie wrap would probably prevent break in and yet still tear away when pulled correctly.

Our door has an overlap at the top that would make this little trick impossible to perform so it looks like we are good.

That might be the best solution to the door, adding a extra plate (overlap) to the top of the door, as long as it does'nt intervene with the opening and closing.
I strapped a double barrel shotgun to the "release handle" so when the poor bastard tries to latch into it, He will be pulling the trigger instead.


If only that wasn't considered premeditated murder I would do it to every door in my house! But the again I end up breaki g iim to my house once or twice a week since I don't leave a spare out and I always forget my garage door opener when switching cars.


Good info.
Wish I had a garage.
Anyone can walk under my house. I have to rely on boobie traps, poisonous vipers and Michael Bolton music to keep thieves away.
Oh, and all my wifes junk. A broken leg or at least a twisted ankle is a given when navigating in darkness down there.
Had more time today, and went to test the zip tie. Well, it's cold here and it wasn't tight enough so it opened anyways. So make sure the zip tie is super tight, otherwise it will not work properly. Test it!!!


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
Good info. News to me. I get into most houses with a pocket knife. I made a video on through the lock entry for my instructors class. Of course I did not post it on YouTube. It's amazing how easy it is to get into most houses in moments without any ever knowing you did it.

Make sure your deadbolts fully set, and hide a combination lock containing a key outside (I like the real estate style on a back door). You can give the combination to your alarm company who will then give it to police / fire / ems in an emergency.


So long and thanks for all the fish
Someone tried this on our garage over the winter but didn't succeed.

Our garage is on the alley setback from the house quite a bit and one day I pulled around on the alley to get something out of the garage. There was quite a bit of snow on the ground and when I pulled around there were footprints in the snow leading right up to the center of the door and some extra prints in that area then a set leading away from it.

There is no reason at all why someone walking down the alley would walk up to our garage door, especially the center of it, other than to try to get in.

Luckily, I had checked before and the top panel of the door doesn't budge when you push on it and it overlaps with the door frame a couple of inches so it would be almost impossible to angle anything enough to hit the release plus there are no windows to eye it.
I will be doing this zip tie fix, good stuff. As for the electronic openers, I flip the main the breaker to my garage off at night or when I am not in it. (detached garage)


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
Those real estate locks with the push button are super easy to crack. Fyi.

Have a good alternative? My parents have a heavy duty steel combination lock that's a turn style like a bike lock that's bolted to the house but I couldn't find one.

I suggest the real estate style one because its easy to install. I hate when I have to break a door down just to help an old person up off the floor who was otherwise completely okay. Fortunately I pride myself on protecting property and have only had to break 1-2 doors in the last 5 years.


I hate winter
Have a good alternative?
Sorry I dont. I just have one of those locks left from a contractor. I wanted to use it but forgot the code. I got in it pretty quick. Maybe there are brands that are better than that one.
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