Getting ahold of Chucky (Team Scream)

I havent been able to contact him either. Last I spoke to him was about 1.5 - 2 months ago. Left a few Voice messages and PMS. No response as of yet. He stated in an earlier post that he was going on Vacation in July, I've assumed that he is trying to get his current work finished and out before he leaves, as he's still loging into the forums early in the morning (5-7ish am)


Time to ride

Chuck is slammed for this week and is on vaca next week(which he well deserves) i would save all your calls till the after the 10th of july.....whoever stuff is there its getting worked on ...i saw with my own eyes....lots of projects in the be will be worth the wait as most of you already know:biggthumpup::biggthumpup::brap::scared::eek5::smokin::eek2:


Beach Bum
Florida - U.S.A.
Chuck just called me today and said he is slammed building 10mm strokers lameys for overseas.

Just leave him a voice mail; he's usually good with returning calls within a couple of days.

He told me the same thing last time i spoke to him (if those are the same engines he was doing for pat).

I dont mind waiting either, I know it will be worth it. Obviously I wish they were complete before I sent them in :p but what can you do.

edit: order date: Sent my stuff to him mid feb. I complicated things for him quite a bit id assume by sending multiple part batches, having other people ship things I purchased straight to him, along with having him find things i still needed...
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makin' legs

Yessir!!! :Banane01:

It's just hard to go from a 5mm Team Scream back to a stock-stroke, non-ported limited. :frown:

Why don't you put the 6mm Paul built last year for your new boat in it until you finish the WF hull?:dunno: I can't see just letting it sit there going to waste.

I'm going from stock stroke, stock ported 701 to paddles and my brothers 95 sp lol

I cant wait to get on the lake with the sjet
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