Getting ready

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Just seeing how things are going to fit into the back of the truck. Wasn't sure if there was enough room to get a ski in with the bike.:biggthumpup:


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Whatcha need the bike fo???? You all hookin up for some MX next week too?

Steve will be hanging with Murph and I in the Injured Reserved VIP area.....though I'm half temped to try at least one session - I just got back from my surgeon's office/check-up and he's amazed at my progress in just one short week. I think I'll save myself yeah...yeah....hold your smart-assed comments on that one heal up good and hit Pismo in two weeks instead.

Besides, I fully intend to spend a good portion of my time selling you guys so many raffle tickets you'll have to hitch a ride home ;)

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better leave room for a case of duct tape to keep that square floatin.

also, make sure you dont park next to any drunken caterers :crazy::ugh2:
i was actually referring to a little known incedent from lanier involving steves truck and a drunken caterer at about 2 am.


Do we reeeaallyy have to bring that up. I had almost totally forgotten about that (ya right)

If anybody feels the need while in Daytona to crash into another vehicle please pick someone elses. Thank you.



Do we reeeaallyy have to bring that up. I had almost totally forgotten about that (ya right)

If anybody feels the need while in Daytona to crash into another vehicle please pick someone elses. Thank you.


ha... that was a crazy night...
I wish I knew someone else was bringing their bike. I would have liked to take mine, but we have Zero room left in the trailer. We will already have our gas cans on the roof and one ski dragging behind the trailer on a beach tote. Not to mention freestylegeek will have to ride on the roof with the gas cans.
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