Other Google and adult content on the X


So long and thanks for all the fish
Double check your pm limits, I raised it recently. It should be 1000 but I'll double check.


So long and thanks for all the fish
Just about 10 minutes ago. I fixed the loophole that was open, I'll try to delete the messages through the database.

BK, lowly admins only get 500, suck it. I'll fix it later.
Money from Ads is just icing on the cake for Google... they get their real money from selling everyone's information to the highest bidder.

Exaclty...you want the crap scared out of you? Go to spokeos website type your name in and make sure you have plenty of wtf's on hand. Then be sure to report your findings on facebook, twitter, linkedin and any other social media sites. Free accounts...F $#k yeah!!


...chaos? Its Fair!
Exaclty...you want the crap scared out of you? Go to spokeos website type your name in and make sure you have plenty of wtf's on hand. Then be sure to report your findings on facebook, twitter, linkedin and any other social media sites. Free accounts...F $#k yeah!!

Okay that :):):):) is kinda scary


So long and thanks for all the fish
I just got another warning last night for someone's avatar. No nudity, in a bikini top with fingers covering what may or may not be exposed nipples. Get this, the thread that was flagged was from 2009 and only had 4 replies, all about wanting to buy a SJ, not a single reference to anything but the member's avatar was flagged. That means someone actually looked at it and it was flagged. I have no idea if some person is looking or a bot analyzes photos kind of like face recognition or what. Also, the member only has 19 posts total here and hasn't been on in a while.

Anyway, the crackdown continues so if something gets removed, don't be offended.
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