half throttle brap, full throttle blah on a limited setup help please


Virginia Beach
Yeah but that was back when I was riding like I normally ride for the first 10min by controlling the throttle with blips. I said I had a blast the first 10min but didn't mean it ran any different. Once I dumbed down my riding to steady throttle pulls then yeah the problem was a lot more noticeable except still not so much on the top end. If it ran different for you hot/cold then I'm outta ideas sorry. I'm so over this ******** and there's not much else I can do from 700mi away so I'm glad you went back out and rode it for first-hand experience.

Those "tailstand circles" were a gimpy man's WOT run :clown:
Mark. I tried as much as i could cold and hot,I didnt just blip the throttle the whole time it was cold,I pulled wot a few times once i got past the dead spot and it ripped pretty good and solid maybe a slight miss but hard to tell,after it gets warm with 10 min of beatin on it with wot runs and big torque circles,then it starts to break up bad even up top. I thought thats maybe what you encountered in fl after the first 10 min also?


Site Supporter
Cleveland Ohio
Try the stock reeds...water in gas?

Check for electrical issues also (start it up in the dark and spray with salty water!) look for sparks.
dj,gas tank was vac empty, We always do the night test on the coil,this one doesnt have any salt issues.........yet

I think im going back to stock reeds on all my skis soon as i get a chance with each


Ride for life
North NJ
Did you try swaping out the coil & plug wires? You say it starts to "brak up" in middle rpms?
I've seen 1st hand a very similar problem. Person chased the same problem for months. installed a new coil and was good to go.
im familiar with the feel of a break up from a coil,we have had that happen MANY times,break up isnt a good way to describe it, when it get s to that middle throttle range it just complety almost dies,this col is tested and known to be good,the stator coil is still in ?


Virginia Beach
It bogs and feels exactly like a rich condition in the 1/4-3/4 powerband. Dunno about coil but Torr should have one he or wilkey can swap in. The one in the 05 is not "known good" but it acts up dry and in fresh and in salt water, and it's been sprayed down with that rubber stuff and has spacers between the wires. It's something to try...


Virginia Beach
torr just called from wilkey's place and I guess they took what I said about bogging during tail stands literally. I thought the bog problem during tail stands felt throttle related since I always controlled it with a steady pull during tail stands instead of blips. But they say they stood the ski upright and the bogging problem is even more noticeable out of the water too. I assume there was enough gas in the tank to do this.

Are there any bogging problems possible from standing the ski upright or are they on :439: ?
put a new stator coil in it and it seemed to really help out on the trailor,went to the rev limiter faster,after water testing it did the same thing with a different cdi stator and flywheel,and disconnected the stop switch wires

we swaped the intake reeds and carbs tonight ,give that a water shot saturday


Surf Swimmer
Tampa, FL
limited setup surf boat,carbs just rebuilt,cdi replaced,stator coil seems to ohm out perfect,if you give it full throttle it pretty much bogs out or dies,if you give it quick half throttle blips,it seems to almost hit the limiter really clean.any ideas what this could be?

i dunno but let me know when you find out, my 05 conversion is doing almost the exact same thing... off idle, and intermittent. Must be a bad sj bug going around :puke: BTW, I never heard that about aftermarket reeds... think I'm running V-force, carbontech or whatever too. Good luck man.
found the problem,The very fisrt thing we changed in trying to fix this issue was taking out a good msd for a working but unknown to be problematic stock cdi,it acted up when it got warm,put msd back in and solved that "new" issue the dead spot in the middle rpms was either bad reeds or carbs,just switched out the entire intake and carbs from another working ski,so have to try just old carbs next and i will know for sure
anyone wana make any predictions on rather its the carbs that have been gone through 2 times or the v force reeds that were just flipped over and tight


Always On
The reeds
I had a first hand problem with reeds I just flipped over, they are still worn even if you flip them.
wetjet,what kind of problems were you having with the reeds,im thinking on going back to the stockers.
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