Yamacat, do you remember what you paid for the blackjack? I appreciate the mod list, looks like I'm heading toward a very similar setup.
Thanks guys for all the feedback. I'm not a surfrider but I do hit the lake a few times a month and I want my square to have extreme punch. I'm pleased with where it is right now compared to a stock 701 but I guess you always want more.
I melted too many pistons on my past ski to really want to get into higher compression than a 35cc R&D head will give. Though it was a 650sx the motor was built and it screamed mid-top....until liquid aluminum anyways. Never could get the 44sbn tuned right. Reliability is really important to me, I do understand that as power goes up, there is some effect on longevity.
I'm probably going to stick with either a lightened or lightweight flywheel, reeds, install my jetworks fcv, and look into the blackjack carbs or the lehr 44 to 48 mod. I always run 93 octane but I don't want to get into octane booster.
Just trying to keep it simple. I got a little girl coming my way July 10th so I've got to keep the piston melting and garage time to a minimum.