Healthier lifestyle for someone in their 20's?

Mid MI
So I'm over the college era of get $hitty every opportunity your friends go out/call and am looking to create a healthier life style for myself. I'm by no means fat but I'd like to tone up some and shoot for my high school weight (175-180). My biggest problem is my job entails a lot of time on the road ( daily and weekly trips), and also a lot of drive time (some days it's 8 hours drive time and 2 hours on a job site). What pointers do you guys who travel have for eating, and getting a workout in under a curcumstance similar to mine? About my only source of exercise for the summer is playing slow pitch softball, and thru work (work on water towers so climbing ladders up to 200' and pulling ropes/equiptment up if needed). I'd like some opinions on those who have done the insanity workout, is that something that could be done in a hotel room?

On another note what daily suppliments or vitamins are good to take for someone in their 20s? I'm not looking to bulk up, just lean out and make better choices. I know w the time behind the wheel I have w work, I can feel my joints get sore, and if I move them real slow I sound lke an un-oiled tin can man! Not to mention that after a day of driving it almost puts me in a lazy mode, i need something to give me more energy that doesnt come in a popcan loaded w sugar!! Lastly, in high school, I had a lower back problem where my pelvis shifted outta place and it took a toll on my lower back. That all got fixed but I still wake up w a stiff back and neck when istay at different hotels. Do those machines that flip u upside down to release pressure work well? Are they safe?

Thanks in advance fellas, I'll try to keep this thread updated of the progress which I hope there is plenty!

To start... 5'11.5" 200-205lb
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Multivitamin, flax seed, fish oil are the only supplements you should need. Keeping a good diet up is also the majority to losing weight. Eat about 7x a day but only consisting of fruits, veggis, lean meats, and high fiber carbs; as well as drinking about a gallon of water a day with some juice and milk tossed in there as well. This may seem like alot of food at first but eventually your metabolism will boost, along with muscle gain requiring more calories to burn. Workouts can be done without needing any weights at all. With all the drive time, I'm sure there are many pit stops in which simple exercises can get the blood pumping and leave you sore. Also sprints > long runs
Mid MI
What multivitamins do you suggest? I'm sure a place like GNC would know, but sometimes I feel like stores like that might up prices because of label.
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I'd rather be on the lake
Insanity is great, and portable, you should have enough room to do it in a hotel. Otherwise...I'd look into running, you can take your shoes anywhere with far as being lazy after driving all day, that's more of a mindset than something you will find in an energy drink - you just have to want it...if you want it bad enough you will find yourself working out no matter how tired you think you are. Oftentimes my inner angel/devil are going at it when I get home from work, so I just start putting my running shoes on before I have time to talk myself out of it LOL
Everyone will have opinions on which multi is "best". I've been using Orange Triad for about 2 years now and have been happy with its joint complex and combination of nutrients. Plus anything from Controlled Labs is going to be a quality product. and like Moto said above... get yourself a fish oil as well. Omega 3's have great benefits across the board.

You're in your 20's, you shouldnt have any trouble losing fat and gaining muscle with a pretty basic workout routine. You will notice your biggest changes when you change your diet and get your calories and macro-nutrients in order.


FIshing for Stand ups
Seminole, Fl
A Naturally made multi, fish oil is all you need

if you work on doing a set of stretches when you wake up it might help
I listen to Alex Jones on the radio and he talks about the products on this site all the time I am thinking of trying some of these. From what he says if your body has the right levels of nutrients you don't have those cravings for the junk... Fast food and so much other food even in the grocery store out there today has been like developed by scientists to make you an addict. I sit at a computer all day so I feel your pain, its sucks considering I like being a more active person... I got a dog, that forces me to go on walks more at night when I get home...
You should consider Crossfit. I lifted weights for years and although I got big and could lift a lot my cardio was in the tank. Crossfit has formed me into a much more well rounded athlete. I absolutely love it. Google or YouTube Crossfit and check some videos out.

Good luck man!
So I'm over the college era of get $hitty every opportunity your friends go out/call and am looking to create a healthier life style for myself. I'm by no means fat but I'd like to tone up some and shoot for my high school weight (175-180). My biggest problem is my job entails a lot of time on the road ( daily and weekly trips), and also a lot of drive time (some days it's 8 hours drive time and 2 hours on a job site). What pointers do you guys who travel have for eating, and getting a workout in under a curcumstance similar to mine? About my only source of exercise for the summer is playing slow pitch softball, and thru work (work on water towers so climbing ladders up to 200' and pulling ropes/equiptment up if needed). I'd like some opinions on those who have done the insanity workout, is that something that could be done in a hotel room?

On another note what daily suppliments or vitamins are good to take for someone in their 20s? I'm not looking to bulk up, just lean out and make better choices. I know w the time behind the wheel I have w work, I can feel my joints get sore, and if I move them real slow I sound lke an un-oiled tin can man! Not to mention that after a day of driving it almost puts me in a lazy mode, i need something to give me more energy that doesnt come in a popcan loaded w sugar!! Lastly, in high school, I had a lower back problem where my pelvis shifted outta place and it took a toll on my lower back. That all got fixed but I still wake up w a stiff back and neck when istay at different hotels. Do those machines that flip u upside down to release pressure work well? Are they safe?

Thanks in advance fellas, I'll try to keep this thread updated of the progress which I hope there is plenty!

To start... 5'11.5" 200-205lb

Whats up bud,
Well im 6'1" 190..
I been working out for years. Never had a problem with going to the gym, it was more of staying on track with my diet. For me the biggest issue was motivation. At the time I had a steady girlfriend who I was comfortable with and that was my weak point. I started going and less and less as well as not caring as much. Fast forward a year we broke up, and got my motivation back by thinking a girl isnt going to want an out of shape guy. What I do since i have a desk job at a hotel is bring my own food. I'm not huge on vitamins, I try to get that naturally from the food I eat. Breakfast: 10 egg whites, 1 minute oatmeal with banana, blue berries, flax seed,raw almonds.. Pre lunch:isolate whey protein with a scoop on natural peanut butter.. Lunch: 8oz chicken breast seasoned with unsalted miss dash, sweet potato (eat the skin too!), and asparagus with a little garlic salt. You can interchange the asparagus for broccoli (broccoli is suppose to help burn fat) and asparagus is a diuretic. It REALLY helps to cook your meals for the week ahead of time. Helps with staying on track a lot. Also when Im feeling lazy I watch some greg plitt motivational videos (search youtube). Do your cardio after your work out. I like interval training but started doing incline treadmill walking pace. Helps burn fat not muscle.
Hope some of this helps!

Edit- Bring a gallon jug of water wherever you. Drink 1 daily. Try to be done by 7pm or you'll be taking bathroom breaks instead of sleeping
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May I suggest:
Solaray Men's Golden Multivitamin
I would also suggest carrying a jug of protein, such as Optimum Nutrition's 100% Whey.. if you're on the road and are in a jam for food, you'll be much better off mixing up a quick shake at a rest stop than eating something out of a vending machine.

Other that that, as has already been said, if you're not looking to bulk up, just eat clean, drink a lot of water, stop to stretch while driving, and most importantly be consistent.

If you eat right you have no need for some junk they put into a bottle. Try the Beachbody untimate cleanse and reset it will help you understand food a little better and give you choices that will make you feel better instead of the junk food that you may eat while on the road.


Arlington TX
I have a high metabolisim and also try to make good choices at every meal. I'm 5'10 165, but i'm 36.

My only exercise is playing with my kids and riding. But I read this book recently and so has my wife. Its pretty interesting the science behind why two people can be on the exact same diet and exercise regimen and have vastly different results.

Might be worth a read.


formerly kawirider142
lean meat, low carb, low fat, fruit (2 per day max), lots of veggies and if you are lifting you want 1 gram of protein per pound a day. I Use nutrishop's pro7 line and it's great. lost 43 pounds doing just what i stated above. never did any cardio only lifted. Now though i incorporate cardio so that i can be functional.

Just make a plan, set goals, and get it. It also helps to have positive feed back and a positive environment around you. I can't say anything for insanity from a personal point of view, but i have a buddy who is getting shredded on it fast!
Losing weight is simple, man. Burn more calories than you're taking in. For instance, if you're 5'11 @ 200, you multiply your bodyweight by 15 which would be 3,000 calories a day. That's what you'd call your maintenance calories. That's what you burn a day sitting on your azz, not doing sht. The safe way to ensure that you don't burn your muscle mass is to subtract 500 calories from your maintenance calories(which would mean you'd lose 1-2lbs/week) which would be 2,500 calories. Now, your body uses carbs for energy, so, if you're driving in a car for 8 hours a day, your body isn't going to be needing many carbs since you aren't exerting much energy. Now, there are two different types of carbs, complex carbs (vitamins, fiber, minerals... Good fuel) and there are simple carbs (flour products like bread, candy, yogurt, chocolate, chips, soda, I hate to say it, but beer...). Complex carbs help deliver protein to your muscles as simple carbs, well, they just help you get fat. Sometimes if you're watching your carbs your body will crave them, veggies, healthy fats and proteins(1-2g's pr lb of body weight) curb your carb pings. I really don't know how your diet is or what you eat, so I can't really recommend what you should eat and when, but I'd just say to think about the choices you are going to make, because you can lose weight without lifting weights and doing cardio just from your diet. I work for contractor companies building powerlines all over the states, so, I'm in the same boat as you. It's pretty hard to stick to a diet when all you have is a microwave (if you're lucky). I won't go tramping around without my propane grill. I'll grill the sht out of some steak, chicken, eggs, bacon, sweet potatoes, veggies in my hotel room. You can google or youtube calesthenic workouts and find full workouts. I know a few people who have gotten shredded on insanity, BUT they didn't stray from their diet. Working out is 10% of what you want to look like, diet is the other 90%, unless you feel like doing a shtload of cardio everyday, which, me personally... No thanks. Maybe I'm just rambling, but I've been lifting, dieting, reading article after article for the past 7-8 years, so, I could go on for fcking days... If you need any advice, motivation or have any questions feel free to pm me. If you really want to get shredded fast, check out "The palumbo diet". Alright. I'm done. Good luck, my man.
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Cats, lots of cats!
United States
I'm 33 and have a high metabolism as well. I have never been overweight always under and skinny. In college I drank and ate, slept very chitty. So I was always on Monsters and Red Bulls. I dated a nutritionist for a few years after college and she really turned me around on all that.

I was really surprised at how much energy I had from just eating healthy, sleeping better, and exercising regularly. Woke up before my alarm most mornings and always ready to get the day going. My point here is eating right is the most important thing you can do when trying to lose or in my case gain weight. I was 130 lbs out of college and I have maintained a healthy 175-180 for the past five or six years. Motivation is a big factor for working out as well. I look forward to going to the gym after work personally, I leave my phone in the car, put the headphones on and just jam through a workout.

Find something that works for you, and stay with it! Good luck man!

10 to 15 years ago, when body building, health and nutrition were the only things i cared about at the time, i used to love to absorb this kind of information. unfortunatly its pretty much useless info unless thats the field your in. in the last 10 years, jetskis became my passion, so now i just bomb away 4 days a week at the gym, with little thought about the chemical reaction going on in the body , that make it all work. stupid people have big traps, since they constantly shrug their shoulders and say, i dont know!
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