please define POS? (i know 99.9% of the users on here wouldnt say what they type to another users face in person) i know ppl have problems and opinions with there purchases from HR,,, which some are legit, and some are BS... but who can attack Dan as a person!??? hes a great kid i got to meet doing shows with tommy and rosie over the past few years, and he can ride better than 99% of the ppl on this board... if you want to attack the product and point out its flaws, go ahead... but keep it on a business level.. dont talk sheit about a guy who loves our sport, and is trying to make a living offering and building aftermarket parts and hulls to help moveing the sport forward..... you wanna back flip??? easy answer,, buy a hull! hulls go from 2k -10k..... buy a 2k hull and expect a 2khull, but a 10k hull and expect that... theres some guy on youtube bashing an eme hull he purchased, and theres noone talking about that?? every one has expectations, well, keep it in perspective.... i wanted an EME also, probly will own one one day when i get may finances in order,, but ya know what, dan offered me a hull at a great price, i met him checked it out, and bought it.. so this is my new ride, and i dont regret buying it... my only regret is that im not getting it finished in a timly manner so i can post videos, but thats my fault, not anyone eleses.... dan is a great rider,and a genuinally good guy... keep the focus on the product ppl..... quite attacking dan.