What is the point of internal fuel fill?
What is the point of internal fuel fill?
What is the point of internal fuel fill?
Some people like the look, I think it would be a pain to have to pull the hood just to fill up when I can do it from the outside.
I would also like a bigger tank.
I just watch the fuel fill up the neck then stop unless I want a pretty rainbow in the water.
I like it because I can remove a full tank of gas in 5 minutes and not spill one drop. Lets face it. We all pull our chit a lot............., right?:thinking:
do you ever check to see how much gas you got or do you fill up everytime you pull up to the bank??
usually when you fill up you have already pulled the hood to check the fuel level.
I usually just fill up when its time I can tell when its only got a gallon left I have to turn the little knob thingy in the tray then I just fill back up. No need to check I know when its out or low I have rode my ski enough it just comes natural.
I usually just fill up when its time I can tell when its only got a gallon left I have to turn the little knob thingy in the tray then I just fill back up. No need to check I know when its out or low I have rode my ski enough it just comes natural.
i perfer no reserve knob/nothing on the dash cause i like the simplicity in the engine compartment plus i dont like gouging my feet on any knobs ..i was nervous about it at first but ive never ran out
I personally couldn't do it becasue we ride a solid half mile through ocean to get to our spot .
I run out ,I switch to reserve and head back .
actually for the most part i ride AT LEAST 3miles to get to my spots unless we ride ******** box pismo...ive just gotten good at timing it...probably not the smartest but it works for me...