How about name tags?...

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...for the event.

With over 100 people coming to Daytona, its going to be tough keeping track of who's who...especially for those of us that haven't met most riders coming.

Something simple with x-h2o "user_name (real_name)."

Or even get fancy (geeky) like a "press pass" badge :woot:


  • bj-press-pass.jpg
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I might do that for event staff... so people know where to direct questions and know who to buy raffle tickets from.... and so on...

thanks for the idea, sanford... anything to make it go smoother... :cool2:
How you editing my sheit Ni.....gga? LMAO... Do I realy type that gangsta? It's probably just my horrible spelling. But hell I will rock it gangsta style. Mybe I will get a gold grill so when I am pulling roles over top of you I can look down and grill you.

I'm just joking.... you are my hero Yamaslut
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How you editing my sheit Ni.....gga? LMAO... Do I realy type that gangsta? It's probably just my horrible spelling. But hell I will rock it gangsta style. Mybe I will get a gold grill so when I am pulling roles over top of you I can look down and grill you.

I'm just joking.... you are my hero Yamaslut

wow... thanks B...

:sneaky: :sneaky: :haha:
Saki...get that ski together.

Slut...If my ski is running this weekend I am making a day trip to Daytona if you plan on riding, hopefully there will be a little surf. My ski quit on me Saturday, I think because I have water in the fuelfilter seperator. Today I will be going riding, so I will see. I got the ski back running on the trailer, but havent water tested yet.


Saki...get that ski together.

Slut...If my ski is running this weekend I am making a day trip to Daytona, hopefully there will be a little surf. I think my ski quit because I have water in the fuelfilter seperator. Today I will be going riding, so I will see.

let me know bro... you got my number :cheer:
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