How do you afford this sport?

Also...when you do get a credit card, dont exceed 40% utilization rate. Ideally, dont exceed 30% utilization rate. Utilization rate is Balance Due divided by Available credit. So if you have a $1000 limit, dont exceed 300-400 carry balance.

I had this whole financial advise post written up and was going to post up here for all the tax time ballers, and how they should responsibly blow the money that they dont have, but I figured I would have pissed off a lot of people and broken some dreams.

id like to see this financial advice post that you wrote up, if you dont want to post it think you can send me it in a message?
$1000 a pop × 25 a month isn't enough to quit your other job? I'm in the wrong business.
average profit per transaction is $600. $1000 profit per transaction happens about 4 times a month.

Its definitely enough money to quit, but I just cant seem to let go. maybe its the benefits. I don't make anywhere near that at my "real" job.


JM781 Big Bore
I personally like cheaper vehicles for Dailey drivers. I haven't had a truck payment since 2004 and I won't always be able to get away with it, but it's nice. If you are patient and have cash you can find some good deals.
Oh I hear ya, believe me. I've been driving my truck since 2003, and bought it used back then. Finally stepping into a new to me truck this week and will be dumping my old truck on CL and the local facebook and yard sale sites, because it is by no stretch of the imagination high end. I'll be lucky to get $2K for it. But it's still relatively low miles and the 4wd still works, but the body is so rusted you need a tetanus shot just to walk by the thing, so who knows. I hope I didn't offend anyone with my 'high end' vs 'low end' comments, as I've never owned a new vehicle in my life, I was just inferring that to me a $5K vehicle wouldn't be considered high end, it'd just be a middle of the road used vehicle price.


Arlington TX
@Lumpy You straight melted my brain with that video Bro.

I'm just like...

@Lumpy You straight melted my brain with that video Bro.

farming is one way to look at it,If you have any interest in history,here is precisely how they did it,its all about the money,always follow the money,here is the shortest vid i could find for jetskier attention. jump on Putins plan to surcumvent this and youll be able to buy as many a/m hulls as you .

here is a good example of how it effects us today,anyone wondering how oil and gas is so cheap now? New world order is not a ancient group,Rothschild's still run the world with central banking,the FED is a joke. Some countries are just now throwing them out ,always good to follow and be ahead of the curve on investment strategies
Is this thread still on track, or are we talking about how the government sucks? I wasn't about to go through 12 pages.

Either way, I will chime in. I afford the sport by being blessed with good parents that left me with no student loans. After college I got a job, changed jobs getting pay increases each time, worked, saved, and bought and sold/upgraded as I went along. I bring my lunch every day to work, cook dinner at home every night, and me and my fiancee live on $80-100 a week in groceries. I don't go out and spend $$$$ on bar tabs and restaurants every weekend like some of my friends who complain about money, perhaps just a cheap dinner on Friday evenings. I also have no credit cards and only a small loan on my truck. I sold all of my toys to invest in this one hobby as it was my favorite. I have a decent job, and live frugally to blow ungodly amounts of money on my ski.
You want to afford this sport? How about getting out there and start working your azz off and manage your money. I understand it is hard for some people but there is no sense of whining about it.

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