how far have you driven to buy a superjet


Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
About 800 miles round trip, and got screwed over royally..... 650SJ with an Ac racing pole, skat swirl prop, ride plate and grate, cool looking paint job and a blown engine (Happened 45 minutes after I rode it.) All for 950, and THEN gas for my thirsty suv.


Squarenose FTW
Site Supporter
I drove to LKN 1.5 hours and got a great square.
It just worked out last early Spring through a guy named Kurt Wolf
that I met here on the x
Still runs strong after a long summer!:bananajump:
when i find out for dayum sure it hasnt sold, im loading up in my jeep and hualing azz. will probally be deaf by the time i get there with them super swampers singing. the only way i can turn 15 bones down is face down.
my dad got a ski for me 500 mi round trip 10 hr round trip. it was a kawi, then i saw the light and we drove about 2 hours to get my sj. but my dad said he liked the long 500 mi drive, he said it was good scenery.
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ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
the furthest ive driven, was to meet AKAKane, for my wife's FX1, it was almost a 2 hour drive ( one way) A climbing, camping area on the Buffalo River. a cool campsite area, and my kids( and wife) got yelled at for chasing the goats.

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I drove 4 hours to spend the night to drive at my brothers then another 10 hours one way. So at 85 to 90 MPH listening to the CB the whole time it was a 28 hour trip round trip. NO stops... piss in a jug and keep going we ate at the gas stations... almost 2000 miles...
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