edwin, you are being the guinee (sp!) pig here......... (This post is not directed at one person in general - and please, don't try to read between the lines and assume I am talking about any one individual )
Guys, with comments like this going on, this is what is causing this site problems, new members will not come here, old members are not posting anymore because of all the Drama........... This mess has to stop. and stop now. Why? Because we are tired of it.......... plain and simple....... You all know what Chick's business deals with? that is where this site is going at the rate we are moving.
about 2 months ago there was an event that took place in florida, I was unable to make it, but I got a package in the mail on Friday that said "Do Not Open Until Sat. Night"... I waited, then Paul called and told me to open it. Guess, that plaque you sent me made me feel really good........... I was proud of this site and all the members, yeah, we have our moments...... But guess what, I am almost ashamed of this site now, the people, the whole aura of it.... everybody's attitudes have gone to ********.......... You have members bashing each other because of their opinions, you have members getting into fights over the color of a Superjet, You have Aftermarket Mfg's voicing negitive comments toward other competitors, ( I was taught that when it comes to the competition to just be polite, keep your opinions to your self, just say "Yeah, he has some nice stuff" and leave it at that - You only make yourself look cocky, arrogant, stupid by commenting ), to members turning a thread about another freeride location into total crap because they feel that the organizers job is for-most to find a location where they could drink...... Guys, this crap has to stop............... This site was started to try and bring a "POSSITIVE OUTLOOK INTO THE FREESTYLE / FREERIDE COMMUNITY" So far it looks like we started out really good, but have since decided to kick back and just let nothing but negitive attiudes direct which way to go.... Who's fault is it??? ...... remember Pauls Motto when this site started??? say it to yourself and think about it.............
Some changes are most likely going to happen around here so, you might want to do some reflection on how you view yourselves as part of this community............. because some of you may end up being outside........