How much cash do you dump into a stock hull superjet


Arlington TX
Just depends. Here in TX, I've never seen anyone get a ticket for an extinguisher unless they were doing something else that earned them tickets.
well for that matter I guess Id be in the same situation if I went with a lowered hood. I havent been stopped yet but the marine police in my area are a pita


I'd rather be on the lake
This may be a dumb question and may have been answered already but Im gna ask anyways. When running a AM hull without the extinguisher do you run the risk of tickets or harassment from LEO

I just run the risk of tickets/harassment. (knock on wood) I've never been ticketed and I have a few things that aren't legal (including reg numbers below the waterline). The one time I did get stopped was in the intercoastal waterway in NC, and when the dumb wildlife officer or whatever caught up to us she was like, "oh, I didn't realize you couldn't stay standing on them when they weren't can go..." lol wtf. Worst case scenario if they are really dicks, you can make a simple extinguisher holder with a bit of hydroturf and mount it in the front of the tray, squarenose superjet style.

As for my opinion, I say keep rocking the SJ until you feel like you've outgrown it then transfer your guts into an AM hull. If you're going to modify it, do things that you can transfer over to your next hull (i.e. motor mods). I personally wouldn't do a lot of reinforcing/chopping the tray/going apepoop with modifying the body...the AM hull market is saturated, and prices (especially on used ones 3-4 years old) are getting really cheap. You can get into a nice AM ski now for $3k-$4k. You really couldn't do that five years ago except for a BOB or a stunt hull.

It's probably true that a lot of have more ski than we can effectively use...I know I do. I know people that could take my current set up and back flip it, barrel roll it, and do crazy stuff. I'm lucky to do nose stabs. But so what? It's my money. I look at it this way...just do what makes you happy. I also have a 700rwhp supercharged camaro and my daily driver/kid-hauler SUV makes 650 to the rear tires. Do I use all of that power (like, ever)? No. But I'm all about excess so there you go.
Thanks for all the helpful insight guys. I think Im going to add some better parts to my boat that I can transfer over to a AM hull when Im ready. Next on the list is a JM 144 mag pump setup with a 9/15 hooker
Ride went great today. I did alot less tipping over in tight turns and was finally able to get some nice nose stabs in. My lower back isnt to happy though. Thats probably more of a old age thing though


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
Oh yeah def have a spring in there. It's a blowsion spring. I'm just not used to the lowered pole yet I think. I keep dropping my elbows. When I ride elbows up my back feels much better

Do you have a pole pad? Few ride and have the pole touch the hood. Putting a pole pad at the lowest position you ever use can help keep you standjng taller on landings and take some of the weight off when setting up.

Elboes up uses more chest which is good. I learned the lesson the hard way on my quad. I cased a jump elbows down and broke my wrist.
Do you have a pole pad? Few ride and have the pole touch the hood. Putting a pole pad at the lowest position you ever use can help keep you standjng taller on landings and take some of the weight off when setting up.

Elboes up uses more chest which is good. I learned the lesson the hard way on my quad. I cased a jump elbows down and broke my wrist.
Yeah I actually do have one. Ive been thinking of a spot to put it. It looks like Ill have to bond it to the extinguisher pad. I guess I could use contact cement


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
Yeah I actually do have one. Ive been thinking of a spot to put it. It looks like Ill have to bond it to the extinguisher pad. I guess I could use contact cement

If you have a stock hood, then that is an issue. I strapped my down using a bungee and webbing to try it out.

One of the users here glued a piece of turf to the bottom of this pad and left a gap for the ratchet strap that holds his hood on to also hold his pad on. It looked like a good idea. I think I'm going to go that route since I also have the stock hood and a ratchet kit I haven't installed. Sorry I don't know where he posted that picture.
If you have a stock hood, then that is an issue. I strapped my down using a bungee and webbing to try it out.

One of the users here glued a piece of turf to the bottom of this pad and left a gap for the ratchet strap that holds his hood on to also hold his pad on. It looked like a good idea. I think I'm going to go that route since I also have the stock hood and a ratchet kit I haven't installed. Sorry I don't know where he posted that picture.
Yeah thats where Im kinda stuck. The previous owner installed a double hood strap. So I dont have a strap running down the middle of my hood. I have one running down each side


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
Yeah thats where Im kinda stuck. The previous owner installed a double hood strap. So I dont have a strap running down the middle of my hood. I have one running down each side

Maybe you can sew a strap between them? Or sew a loop a tad smaller and when you tighten them down the loop will pull taught?

I have thought about glue but the stock hood extinguisher surface is not inviting for that job.
Maybe you can sew a strap between them? Or sew a loop a tad smaller and when you tighten them down the loop will pull taught?

I have thought about glue but the stock hood extinguisher surface is not inviting for that job.
YESSS! Sewing a loop in between the two is a great idea. Especially since I have industrial sewing machines at work :cool:
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